Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 30, 2024

 In war anything is better than indecision.  If I am wrong we shall soon find out, and can do the other thing, but not to decide wastes both time and money and may ruin everything. – Ulysses S. Grant

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you. - John C. Maxwell

Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th president of the United States of America. Grant was a persistent and determined individual, but his intensity came from his effectiveness as a decision-maker (K. Craft, July 9, 2023). Through the years, he faced opposition from the military ranks he led and various individuals while president. During these times, he encountered incredible setbacks. Each night, Grant read and researched decisions he would have to make. Often, he made tough decisions that were not liked by the military ranks and his constituents. When decisions were made, many had a personal cost to Ulysses S. Grant. And countless decisions had a major impact on the country, and he was content with his decisions even if at first, he made a mistake with his decision.

Daily we make decisions that affect each of us and those around us. How is the reader at making these decisions? Over the next couple of weeks, the author will discuss a decision that normally she would have taken months to decide, but had 7 days. How would the reader handle a situation like this?

ACTION: Last week’s blog was an impactful idea on self-care, but was posted late. Read Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week for January 23, 2024: https://tuesdaytipoftheweek.blogspot.com/2024/01/terris-tuesday-tip-of-week-january-23.html.

Additionally, analyze your decision making. Do you make decisions quickly? Are you methodical and contemplative? What lessons have you learned about your decision-making style?


·        https://cms-assets.life.church/Media/Craig-Groeschel-Leadership-Podcast/Leader-Guide-Show-Notes/145%20-%20CGLP%20Leader%20Guide%20-%208%20Habits%20of%20Great%20Decision%20Makers,%20Part%201.pdf?utm_content=id_7e3ad138-8e52-4766-acbc-3f12cb78e9a9-name_8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-1-language_EN-path_%2Fleadershippodcast%2Fleadership%2F8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-1&utm_source=life_church  

·        https://www.realtimeperformance.com/ulysses-s-grant-12-leadership-lessons/

·        Email from Keith Craft dated July 9, 2023 titled “The art of decision making”.

·        https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/how-did-ulysses-s-grant-make-life-and-death-decisions/331198


Friday, January 26, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 23, 2024

 Self-talk is the most powerful form of communication because it either empowers you or it defeats you. – Fearlessmotivation.com – Wright Thurston

Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening. – Lisa M. Hayes

Congratulations!  The reader has made it to the 4th Tuesday of January and there are many more Tuesdays to come this year. Through the coming year, there will be many ups and downs and the author wants to discuss a powerful self-care habit that will be beneficial during frustrating times. 

When the author was in San Diego, California on vacation, she did not declare her daily positive affirmations over herself. During that time, her state of mind struggled and there were down times. Arriving back in Texas, the author returned to her daily routine and reengaged with her positive affirmations and her mindset changed. By repeating these affirmations over and over again, an individual is training their brain based on the positive statements being stated. According to happierhuman.com, positive affirmations will improve one’s health and quality of life.

And to find a great time to declare these positive affirmations, read the TTTW blog from February 15, 2022 to find a unique, outside the box idea: Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week: Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 15, 2022. 

ACTION: If the reader already has a list of daily positive affirmations, review for updates based on 2024 goals and dreams. If the reader does not have a list of daily positive affirmations, create a list to help with self-care to train the brain to have a positive perspective.


·        https://www.happierhuman.com/self-care-affirmations/

·        https://blog.gratefulness.me/self-care-affirmations/

·        https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2019/03/13/regain-confidence/

·        https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-self-care-5212781

·        Take Care - 3-Minute Reset | Pat Lencioni & Chris Stefanick - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/take-care/id1717490448?i=1000640876371

·        https://insideoutmastery.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/#:~:text=9%25%20successfully%20keep%20their%20New%20Year%E2%80%99s%20resolutions.%2023%25,to%20Strava%2C%20a%20Running%20and%20Cycling%20tracking%20app

·        https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/today-is-officially-quitters-day-heres-why-you-should-consider-quitting-too/ar-AA1mRsIF

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 16, 2024

 Only quitters fail. –


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius

You just can’t beat the person who never gives up. – Babe Ruth

If the reader is still committed to their goals for 2024, CONGRATULATIONS! According to Strava, which is an exercise app, most people quit their goals/new year resolutions on the 2nd Friday of January. It has been named “Quitters Day.”

For the author, she has been busy with new personal opportunities and has not started 2024 well with her reading goal. She decided that she needed to help the process and read an informative, but short book to motivate and inspire herself to accomplish her first book. Also, the author continually reminds herself that there are about 50 weeks left in the year to read and she is still learning via podcasts and other learning opportunities. Furthermore, the author has to remember that socializing and friendships are part of her self-care focus for the year.

Remember…2024 is a journey and not a sprint! 

ACTION:  What did you do to surpass Quitters Day in 2024 to still be moving towards your goals/new year's resolutions?


·        https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-self-care-5212781

·        Take Care - 3-Minute Reset | Pat Lencioni & Chris Stefanick - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/take-care/id1717490448?i=1000640876371

·        https://insideoutmastery.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/#:~:text=9%25%20successfully%20keep%20their%20New%20Year%E2%80%99s%20resolutions.%2023%25,to%20Strava%2C%20a%20Running%20and%20Cycling%20tracking%20app

·        https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/today-is-officially-quitters-day-heres-why-you-should-consider-quitting-too/ar-AA1mRsIF

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 9, 2024

 Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation. – Audre Lorde

Caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival. – Audre Lorde

The first week of 2024 is in the books. Hopefully, readers took time to use the blank slate provided by the new year to create goals to move toward their dreams.

As the author said last week, this week’s blog will discuss what the author’s focus for the year will be on. This year, the author is focusing on self-care. According to verywellhealth.com, self-care is “the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness.”  The author is a person that does not focus on herself and wants to serve others. However, 2023 was a difficult year for the author focusing on work and she allowed many things to fall by the wayside. So, this year, the author is focusing on herself including:

·        Health

·        Volunteering

·        Socializing/Friendships

·        Networking

·        Fashion style/Brand

On Monday morning, the author listened to 3-Minute Reset, which is a podcast by Pat Lencioni and Chris Stefanick. They said that if one does not take care of themselves, he/she will not be able to help others. The author realized she has to care for herself to be here for the long haul and accomplish her dreams.

ACTION:  What self-care actions will you implement into your life in 2024?


·        https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-self-care-5212781

·        Take Care - 3-Minute Reset | Pat Lencioni & Chris Stefanick - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/take-care/id1717490448?i=1000640876371

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 2, 2024

 New year - a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it.  The choice is ours. – Alex Morritt

What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year. – Vern McLellan

Happy 2024! Today is the first potential workday of the new year for readers. As we start the new year, we have the opportunity to create the year we want. A couple years ago, the author used the below quote in a blog post and every year she remembers the quote and still believes it:

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. – Brad Paisley

In December 2023, the author challenged readers to start thinking about what they wanted to accomplish in 2024. The author created a spreadsheet that allowed her to start thinking about the volunteering, donations and travel she wants to accomplish in 2024. Additionally, over the last couple of weeks, she reviewed and developed her goals for 2024. Through this analysis, the author realized she is going to do many of the same things such as reading, volunteering, and visiting new places. What the author is planning on changing is reducing the tasks she does for her morning routine and also changing her workout regimen. As she previously said, if she wants to create a different life in 2024, she has to make changes that will allow her to attend more social activities.

Actions change things.  Wishful thinking is not a strategy for success.  Hope is not a strategy for success.  Work.  Work.  You prove to me that you mean it when you when you change your actions.  You prove to yourself that you mean it when you change your actions. – Larry Winget

Next week, the author will discuss what her focus for 2024 will be.

ACTION: If you have not created your 2024 goals yet, take time this week to create them.


·        https://www.bookey.app/quote-author/brad-paisley#:~:text=30%20Best%20Brad%20Paisley%20Quotes%20With%20Image%201,counts%20up%20to%20your%20life.%20...%20More%20items

·        Best Of 2023 | Larry Winget: “You are 100% Satisfied with Your Life, Otherwise It’d Be Different.” - No-BS speaker Larry Winget shares an uncomfortable truth that most people don’t want to hear — that you are 100% responsible for your life. YOU ARE READY AND ABLE TO BE MORE SUCCESSFUL. But are you willing? - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/best-of-2023-larry-winget-you-are-100-satisfied-with/id1163094296?i=1000639990056