Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 5, 2023


Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing at all. - Helen Keller

Opportunities don't happen. You create them. - Chris Grosser

What does the reader’s life hold in 2024?  Over the last couple of weeks, the author has received emails from various motivational speakers talking about how they are planning for 2024.  Most of us would think, “Wait.  We have 25 days before we have to start thinking about that.”  However if we want a different 2024 from 2023, we have to create the new year we want.

For the author, she created a 2024 spreadsheet with columns for volunteering, donations, travel, events.  Through this process, the author learned a few things:

1.      This process made the author plan and think about what she wanted to do in 2024.  The author is a planner, but often makes decisions at the last minute for travel, etc.

2.      For donations and travel the author wants to make in 2024, she now has a dollar amount allowing her to save for those events/activities.   

3.      The author wants to travel in 2024 and this process has started the author thinking about where she wants to go.  At this point, she is looking at one big trip and small little trips, which will also cause her to save for what she wants.

4.      By preparing for 2024, the author had to review 2023 to see what she accomplished.  Looking back at the year, she has done more than she remembered and accomplished many of her goals. 

Read next week to learn more about what the author accomplished in 2023.

ACTION: How will you start planning for 2024 so that it is the year you want it to be?   

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