Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 28, 2023

 Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. -Ben Carson

We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give. – Winston S. Churchill

You will not be great-full because everything is good, but you will be great-full if you see good in everything. – Keith Craft

As the month of thanksgiving is coming to a close, the author wanted to give an update on how she did for her “gratitude moments” challenge.  Well the author had a hard time.  The author is extremely blessed to live in the United States, have a job, a sister, friends and many other things.  However, she became frustrated during November as she felt taken advantage of and not valued in different areas.   Below are some of the greatest times she had in November that helped her find gratitude and remove the negativity.    

Last Friday will most likely be the craziest shopping day of the year.  As one that does not have a family to buy gifts for, the author adopted a family for Christmas.  When the author first started shopping, she searched for Toys “R” Us online.  Little did she know that the store no longer exists and the author had to find the next place to shop!  While shopping, the author went to different stores and had a wonderful time purchasing baby girl clothes and toddler toys for a little boy.  As the little boy loves spiderman, the author found the most adorable tennis shoes outfitted in spiderman that light up. 

Another opportunity the author embarked on was distributing food to military personnel at the local military base.  As the organizer of the event said, it was a hurry up and wait exercise.  Once the food distribution started, immense joy was felt by the author as she was helping others.

Through both of these experiences, the author saw how it is impossible to be grateful and negative at the same time.  For the author, she determined that 2024 has to have more volunteering and helping other people in her life so that she can take the focus off herself and put that energy toward showing love to others.

Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege. – John D. Rockefeller Jr.

ACTION: What ideas do you have to help others to have gratitude in your own life and overcome any negativity/sadness?   


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