Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 12, 2023

 One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. - Karen Casey

Obstacles can’t stop you. Problems can’t stop you. Most of all, other people can’t stop you. Only you can stop you. - Jeffrey Gitomer

Amazingly enough, we are 19 days from 2024.  Wow this has been a year!  As the author has mentioned, she has had an extremely busy year at work.  When she started planning for 2024, she reviewed her goals for 2023 to see how she did and plan for 2024.  To her own amazement, she has exceeded her goals, and she is very proud of herself.  These goals include attending events, traveling to new places, listening to podcasts and reading.

This year, the author focused on four areas in her life and will discuss what she learned about prioritizing and solitude this week. 

Prioritizing is how the author worked both jobs and met her goals.  She learned that at certain times you have to put work first and at other times one has to focus on personal priorities.  Over the years, there has been a phenomenon about work/life balance, which the author believed for a while.  However, she believes that prioritization in life is probably the more reasonable way.    

Solitude is difficult for the author as she works from home and is often lonely.  She has stepped out a lot in the second half of the year to meet new people, help others and has learned that one must balance their need for solitude for growth and evaluation.  Recently, the author realized that her solitude often comes through her morning runs, hiking in nature, etc.   

ACTION: What did you learn about yourself from your 2023 goals?  What will you change next year based on how you did with your 2023 goals?

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