Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 23, 2022

 Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation. – Amadeus Wolfe


Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet. – Simon Sinek

As the author has written about many times, she thinks it is very important to interact with people different than herself and experience new things.  Over the weekend, the author took a trip to New Mexico and had the opportunity to experience Wild West Day in White Oaks.  During this experience, the author tried new foods, worked on developing her inverse charisma when she met many new people, learned many historical facts about the gold town and laughed over many jokes.  One of the individuals the author met was a very smart man that knew the historical facts of the town and has been published.  Another gentleman was leading a group of soldiers on a hunt.  


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t. – Bill Nye


This adventure was great for the author because she interacted with new people and she experienced new things.  The author stepped outside her comfort zone and learned ideas that can be implemented in her life in many ways.  Also, the author has been burned out and needed a couple of days away from the stress of work.


I meet people and they become chapters in my stories. – Avijeet Das


This adventure and the people the author met will definitely be a chapter in her life that she will not forget. 


ACTION: What people have you met recently that will be chapters in your life?  Why? 


Check out the author’s Facebook page to see picture from the New Mexico adventure. 



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