Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 16, 2022

 Charisma is the ability to influence without logic. - Quentin Crisp

 My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. - Henry Ford


As was discussed a couple weeks ago, Adam Grant coined the phrase inverse charisma, which is bringing out the charisma of others through the conversation one has with individuals.  There are many important aspects of inverse charisma and the first thing to know is that one’s motivation has to be to make other people better.  Next, one with inverse charisma is curious in their questioning and enter conversations with the mindset to learn something new.  Most likely, those questions will be open-ended and start with words like who, what, when and where.  Once a question is answered, add on questions will most likely be asked because an individual with inverse charisma listens intently and those follow on questions provide energy to the speaker as they provide additional information.  Through this interaction, we become vulnerable as we intently listen and our guided by their direction in the conversation.   

Writing this post, the author thought of an individual she knows who has had inverse charisma long before the term was coined.  The author has always looked up to that person and sees many of these qualities in that individual and respected her for it. 

Inverse charisma is a new term and the author expects much more research and studies to be conducted about it providing many more opportunities for growth. 

Leave people better than you found them. - Marvin J. Ashton

ACTION: When interacting with others, analyze conversations to find those individuals that ask the intentional questions to learn and then listen intently to the speaker.                                                                                                 







·       Grant, A. (2021). Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know (1st ed.). Viking. 


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