Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 26, 2022

 Don’t stop when you’re tired; stop when you’re done. – Marilyn Monroe

Circumstances will never be just right. If you wait for the perfect time to commit to an idea, you’ll be waiting forever! - Craig Groeschel


What is the reader willing to do to accomplish their dreams?

There is an interesting legend about Hernán Cortés and his conquest of Mexico in 1519.  According to various sources, the conquest began when his men conquered Veracruz, which is a coastal region in the Gulf of Mexico across from Cuba.  His binary mission included the military conquest of the territory and the subjects of the land plus the spiritual seizing of the nation for the Catholic Church.

This was a hard mission and his crew had many obstacles to overcome.  Once Cortés conquered Veracruz, his next action was to sink all of the ships used to deliver his crew to the coastal region.  The intent was the men would have no option to quit and would overcome every obstacle they faced.

Many may think this is very extreme; however, his point was evident.  Whatever the goal, commit to it and be 110% engaged to accomplish it.  A way to accomplish the goal will become clear if the reader does not quit. 


If you commit to the what and are consumed by your why, you will figure out the how! - Craig Groeschel


What is the reader willing to “burn” to accomplish their 2022 goals and lifelong dreams?

A note from the author….one dream the author has had for a very long time has not come to pass yet.  In various ways, the author has “burned” the ship, but it has not changed the situation because likely it has not been the right time.

The reader can do things that will put them in positions to have no option but to accomplish their goals.  However, the reader often has to have other people assist in accomplishing our dreams and goals and those individuals do not always move at the same pace as goal-driven individuals.  The author is not saying not to go all in, but understand that if we have to rely on other people that may not have the same vision and drive.  The goal may not be accomplished at the pace the reader desires. 


ACTION:  Determine how you will “burn” a ship in 2022 to accomplish a goal and then implement the plan.






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