Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 19, 2022

 Ignore the noise, focus on your work. – Anonymous  

Success has less to do with what we can get ourselves to do and more to do with keeping ourselves from doing what we shouldn’t. - Kenneth Cole

Now that the reader has a plan for what to accomplish for the rest of year, how will they focus to accomplish their plan?  As the author has talked about over the years, a big plan is great, but it is important to break down goals and action plans into smaller parts to accomplish goals and tasks. 

The author still becomes overwhelmed when she sees a big task in front of her to complete.  When she steps back, breaks down tasks into smaller pieces and creates a list, she is able to focus on the project and accomplish things she never thought possible.

As we focus, we continue to grow and develop.  Greg McKeown stated:

Focus is more important than genius.

Even when one feels down and not adequate to accomplish their dreams, they need to refer back to this quote.  By focusing and being determined, stuff gets done!


ACTION:  Review your action plan for the rest of 2022.  Make any changes that you have thought about in the last week and determine how you will take time daily to focus and accomplish the plan.





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