Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 2nd

 Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us. - Richie Norton


Success is a choice; you choose it and work it out! Excellence is deliberate and so it is intentionally pursued. No successful person ever remained idle for success to knock his/her door for him/her. ― Israelmore Ayivor, Dream Big!: See Your Bigger Picture!


Two months into 2021…wow!  It has gone so fast and the author has lived intentionally more in 2021 than ever in her life.  As the author has reflected on the last two months, she realized her previous words of the year have never impacted her as much as “intentional” has in 2021. 


Throughout the past two months, the author has learned many things and has changed her daily routine, which is all part of continuing on the path to grow and being intentional on the bridge to accomplishing her dreams and goals.  In developing her goals, the author stated that she wanted to learn about leadership to develop for her current career position and prepare for the future.  This is a great goal and the author thought this would mean reading leadership books to learn.  However, she had a revelation about a month ago.  She can read all of the leadership books in the world, but until she implements what she reads it is not beneficial. 


Additionally, the author realized there are so many leadership books available and she is often enthralled by the latest “hot author”.  However, is that the best author to learn from?  Lastly, the author discerned that she was reading to increase the pages completed on her goal tracking spreadsheet, but not remembering what she consumed. 


For the author, she had to step back and contemplate how to be intentional in her learning. 


What did the author do?  She changed her learning plan and became intentional in her learning.  How?  Read next week’s blog post to find out!


ACTION:  How has 2021 started for you?  What do you need to be intentional about and change to help you accomplish your dreams and goals?



·       https://www.terri.com/whats-the-plan/

·       https://www.awakenthegreatnesswithin.com/35-inspirational-quotes-learning/

·       Hardy, Darren. (2019). The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success (Audio Book). Blackstone Publishing.

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/whats-so-critical-about-simple-daily-practices/

·       https://www.sitrakaratsimba.com/the-compound-effect/

·       https://youngprofessionalbford.wordpress.com/2018/04/13/the-compound-effect/

·       https://www.stack.com/a/emotional-toughness

·       http://www.lbushcolejr-pd.info/uploads/9/8/1/5/9815519/routine_power.pdf


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