Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 23rd

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. -Jim Rohn


A champion doesn't become a champion in the ring, he's merely recognized in the ring. His “becoming” happens during his daily routine. - Joe Louis


Jack Nicklaus was known for his pre-shot routine, which included setting up his shot, establishing his stance, looking at the target and then swinging the golf club.  Why is this important?  His consistency was tracked at a golf tournament to a second or less of variance on every shot he took.  No matter what happened, he maintained consistency and it helped him become one of the best golfers of all time.  However, other golfers did not have the same discipline and consistency in their routine.  They would get frustrated and speed up their routine, which would cause various issues when they swung their golf club.


What does Jack Nicklaus teach us?  Consistency is key!


As the author has discussed her “5” things she does each day, she has learned a few things:

·       Be Intentional - Do the same actions at the same time every day.  By being intentional, the author will not be delayed or hindered from accomplishing her daily routine.  If she does not complete something during her morning time, many times the author will not go back and complete that part of her routine later in the day.

·       Focus – Each day, it is the decision of the author to have personal growth.  She focuses on the areas that are important for accomplishing her goals and dreams and is consistently moving on the bridge toward her dreams and goals.  

·       Accomplishment - By completing the “5” early in the morning, the author puts herself first.  Additionally, accomplishing things early in the day sets the author up with a growth mindset and she continues this throughout her day.  


Once the daily routine is complete, the rest of the day is free to do whatever the author desires.  


Routine is not a prison but the way to freedom from time. – Mary Sarton


ACTION:  Do you have a daily routine for personal growth?  If not, create one.  If you do have one, are there any changes you need to make as we get into full swing in 2021 to accomplish your goals and dreams?




·       Hardy, Darren. (2019). The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success (Audio Book). Blackstone Publishing.

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/whats-so-critical-about-simple-daily-practices/

·       https://www.sitrakaratsimba.com/the-compound-effect/

·       https://youngprofessionalbford.wordpress.com/2018/04/13/the-compound-effect/

·       https://www.stack.com/a/emotional-toughness

·       https://www.gltgolf.com/golf-blog/golf-psychology-blog/golf-psychology-pre-shot-routine-jack-nicklaus-and-visualization.html

·       http://www.lbushcolejr-pd.info/uploads/9/8/1/5/9815519/routine_power.pdf

·       https://golf.com/news/jack-nicklaus-watched-learned-play-golf/


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