Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 2nd

Continuous effort -- not strength nor intelligence -- is the key to unlocking our potential. –Winston Churchill


Consistency of effort over the long run is everything. – Angela Duckworth


As the author mentioned last week, she has incorporated the “Rule of 5” into her life for many years, but she did not realize the approach had a name.  The author will tell you that it is easy to create a list of things to do daily, but it is the consistency of day after day that will develop and grow the reader.  Last week, the author stated in the actions section to plan a time to complete the “Rule of 5”.  For this concept to work, there has to be consistency. 


In a video John Maxwell posted on YouTube called “Developing the Leader Within You”, he talks about how self-discipline is the bridge between good intentions and good actions.  Daily we have to be intentional, consistent and disciplined to complete these actions no matter what.  The “Rule of 5” has to be completed while on vacation, hard days when we want to stay in bed because it is snowing, days we are not motivated because we do not see how the actions are changing us and even holidays.  Consistency day in and day out. 


When the author was on her adventure to Ocean City, Maryland, she took an amazing picture of a wooden bridge leading to the ocean.  As the reader knows, the ocean is the author’s favorite things and she remembers telling herself the picture she took would be the inspiration for a blog post and it is today.  The picture is of an exquisitely, beautiful day with little cloud coverage.  As the picture shows, the bridge is what leads the author to her favorite thing.  In the same way as we are consistent and disciplined daily to complete our “5”, those traits are the bridge that move us closer and closer to our dreams and goals. 


It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives.  It’s what we do consistently. – Tony Robbins



ACTION:  What do you plan to do to implement consistency in your life to complete your Rule of 5 each day, which will be the bridge to help you accomplish your dreams and goals?



·       http://meaningring.com/2014/07/18/the-law-of-consistency-by-john-c-maxwell/

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X6PNJEqMrs&t=441s


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