Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 16th


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. - Jimmy Dean


Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. - Ella Fitzgerald


As we end the first quarter of 2021, it is time to conduct a quick review of the progress toward goal achievement.  How is the reader progressing on their goals?  Is the reader where they expected to be at this time?  Is there a particular goal that the reader should focus on in the 2nd quarter that may not have been their focus in the 1st quarter?  Take time to evaluate and as the author has discussed over the last couple of weeks “tweak” 2021 goals as the reader progresses on the bridge toward accomplishing their dreams.


When the author set her goals at the beginning of 2021, she set a goal to visit 20 new places that could be a city, park, memorial, etc.  At first, the author was concerned because she questioned if the goal was a S.M.A.R.T. goal, but after analyzing the goal she believes it is.  Contemplating this goal, the author realized she set this goal for herself for many reasons including she loves to travel, wants to see new places and desires to learn new things.  Additionally, the goal was to push her outside her 800 square foot apartment.  If the author does not have a goal to do something, she often will not.


How is she doing on her goal?  She has visited 19 new places so far.  Once she hits 20, she plans to continuing traveling to more places.  The importance of this goal was grasped by the author Sunday afternoon as she was finishing John Maxwell’s book titled Intentional Living – Choosing a Life that Matters.  Maxwell talks about how he and his wife give their family experiences so they can spend time together.  He proceeded to say all family members know that at some point during the trip he will ask “What did you love, and what did you learn?” (p. 254).  Continuing on, he explains that experiences are great, but evaluated experiences are the best teacher.  He and his wife are intentional in developing experiences that teach something to their family and provides growth. 


If we are intentional in life, everything we do can be a learning opportunity.  For the author, she experienced this last weekend on her day trip to Dover, Delaware.  Walking around the area where the Old State House is located, the author was reminded that Delaware was the first state to consider and ratify the Constitution of the United States.  This decision was made in Elizabeth Battell’s Golden Fleece Tavern.  The tavern is no longer standing, but there is a plaque commemorating this historical decision.  The author never considered that taverns were places were government officials met to make major decisions in 1787.


Goals are established to help move individuals closer to their dreams. Goals can be tweaked throughout the year.  The importance is being intentional in growth and development. 


Action is what converts human dreams into significance. - John C. Maxwell, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters


ACTION: Take time this week to review your 2021 goals.  What changes do you need to make in the 2nd quarter of the year to ensure you accomplish all of your goals this year?




·       Maxwell, John. (2015).  Intentional Living – Choosing a Life that Matters.  Center Street. 

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