Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 9th

Being connected to everything has disconnected us from ourselves and the preciousness of this present moment. - L.M. Browning, Vagabonds and Sundries

We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own to-do list. - Michelle Obama

As the author has mentioned, she has been working too much during the lock down.  Living alone, she has continued to wake up at her normal time, administer her morning routine and then start working when she normally would be leaving for the office.  Often, she would work late into the evening because she had to complete a task or was bored because she did not have the option to go hang out with friends.  Through this time, the author did not have the opportunity to disconnect, have fun, laugh and change perspectives.  The breaking point came this past week when she had to work 13 hours due to other people not planning well and her emotional state was not good.  She ended up sleeping 9 hours the following night, which was a rare commodity for her that has not happened in a very long time.    

During this time of the stay-at-home order, the author read an article titled “Work/Life Separation Is Impossible. Here’s How to Deal with It”.  There were many good points in the article, but the one that really stuck out to her was based on what she was experiencing.  It is vital that we disconnect from work.  In this unique environment, we have to have the opportunity to disconnect just like if we were leaving the office after a long day.  To accomplish our dreams and goals and for our loved ones, we have to renew our emotional and physical well-being.  Ultimately, it is hard to sometimes separate ourselves from the office when we leave because of a problem or an important project that is being worked on.  However, disconnecting is good for our emotional and physical well-being. 

As the country is reopening and people are starting to commute back to the office or still teleworking, it is important that we find ways to disconnect so that we are fully there for family and our work.  There will be overlap sometimes because of different issues, but we should strive to be present in each part of our lives.

We have overstretched our personal boundaries and forgotten that true happiness comes from living an authentic life fueled with a sense of purpose and balance. - Dr. Kathleen Hall, stress expert

For the author to disconnect from teleworking while living in an 850 square foot apartment, it meant she simply turned off her work laptop and put it in a cabinet where she was not able to see it.  That simple action helped her emotional well-being by not seeing it each day.

ACTION: Contemplate and write down how you plan to disconnect from work to create a more fulfilling, enjoyable and meaningful life.


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