Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 30th

To educate the intelligence is to expand the horizon of its wants and desires. - James Russell Lowell

Your entire universe is in your mind & nowhere else. To expand the universe expand your mind.  - Unknown

A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows. - John Powell

As this series on Terri Savelle Foy’s quote about living life instead of watching someone else do it comes to an end, it is important to discuss how television impacts individuals. 

·       Mental Energy
Often times, people state that watching television allows them to forget about what is going on in the world and let their mind wander.  However, a different perspective is that when watching television, the mind is drawn into that experience and the reader’s control is given up.  Instead of watching television, the author loves to sit on her patio and just let her mind wander.  This exercise helps relax her mind and renew her strength.

·       Loss of Reality and Satisfaction in Life
Hallmark movies have become very popular for many because they are a clean, fell-good experiences.  However, the author has to be cautious if she watches one because they impair her reality.  Finding the love of one’s live does not happen in 90 minutes where individuals meet, fall in love, conflict arises and then the two individuals’ resolve the issue and live happily ever after.  The author is NOT saying to stop watching Hallmark movies.  What the author learned is that if she watches one, she has to continually make herself keep the right perspective on life.   

Furthermore, the author has to remind herself that her path is different from what she sees on television.  She could be distraught based on what she sees in movies and be less satisfied with her life, but instead she reminds herself that she is moving toward her dreams and to be content with where she it at this time. 

ACTION:  What changes have you made to live your life instead of watching someone else live the life you want?


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