Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 23rd

Don't be so judgmental, expand your mind and think with an open one. - Unknown

Always expand. Never be the same. Free your mind. - Unknown

This week, Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week is continuing to discuss the quote:

Live is meant to be lived, not watched. – Terri Savelle Foy

Watching less television provides the opportunity to learn and expand an individual’s worldview.  The author has learned over the years that through experiencing different things it provides her the opportunity to bring in different perspectives and provide insight when having conversations with people.

Two different examples:

1.       When the author embarked on “40 before 40” and ended up doing 80 things, she learned and saw many different things.  In conversations, she still incorporates ideas or history learned when completing this challenge and is able to provide ideas of what people should see when they travel to different places to learn and have fun.

2.       On Saturday night, the author was hanging out with friends.  She could have stayed home and watched television as it was a hard day for her; however, she mustered up the energy to go.  While talking with friends, the author learned a new concept about the military.  It is not something major, but it opened her eyes to expand her horizons and now she has the assignment to go learn more to be able to discuss with other military friends in the future.     

In How to Lead When You Are Not in Charge, Scroggins says:

My eyes are open to the world around me every day, of course, but when I get away to a new environment, I see things from a different vantage point.  I may be looking at something familiar, but because of where I am, I’m looking at it differently.  The more I see of the world, the better I see my own world.  And the better you see your world, the more informed and equipped you will be to make wise decisions.  Understanding can help you develop patience, graciousness, and greater discernment for all of life.  A wider angle brings a wiser perspective. (p. 115)

To have an open-mind and interesting conversations, it is beneficial to have different experiences that allow the reader to expand their horizons, incorporate new knowledge and pass knowledge on to others.   

ACTION:  What are you going to do this week to expand your perspective? 

·       Scroggins, C. (2017). How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

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