Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 7th

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. - Jim Rohn

Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us. - Richie Norton

On March 30, 2020, the Virginia Governor declared a “Stay at Home” order declaring everyone needed to remain in their homes except for essential work, health or shopping needs until June 10, 2020.  When the author heard this, she called Mama Flow and strongly stated her frustration with this order.  To the author, she immediately thought about the negative aspects of how she would not be able to move towards “some” of her dreams and not be able to socialize with her friends.  After voicing her opinion, she went to bed and woke up the next morning with a different mindset.  She decided that she would use the 70+ days starting on March 31, 2020 to prepare for when the “Stay at Home” order was lifted.  She knew that she would want to socialize with friends when this was over.  Thinking about what prohibited her from socializing, she started working on accomplishing tasks such as reading books, going through mail, cleaning her apartment, getting caught up at work, etc. 

That morning working out and listening to a podcast, the author heard the speaker state the word “intentional” relating to goal achievement.  The word intentional has stayed on the author’s mind for almost a week now.  According to Oxford Dictionaries, intentional means “done on purpose; deliberate”. 

Last week, the author mentioned that she had not been able to figure out how to change the mindset of working more and “making up time” for taking breaks while teleworking.  The answer is the word “intentional”.  Next week, the author will explain the simple steps she created for herself to remain intentional during this time and remove the “making up time” mindset. 

Intentional living means making choices in your life based on your greatest values, not the habits of others. - Brian Buffini

CHALLENGE: What new habits do you want to intentionally incorporate into your life or intentionally remove from your life during this time?

Often times, accountability is the biggest issue why people do not remain intentional.  A free resource to check out for a 66-day challenge is: https://trainings.the1thing.com/66-Day-Challenge-membership-benefits.


·       Episode 224: Don’t Fall Behind, Front Load Your Priorities | A New Way to View Time & Have a Relationship With Your Goals - https://www.the1thing.com/podcasts/224/

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