Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 28th

Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now. - Anonymous

Whatever you’re facing today, keep going.  Keep moving.  Keep hoping.  Keep pressing on.  There is Victory on the other side! – Mandy Hale

How are you surviving social distancing?  For the author, it has not been easy because she greatly enjoys hanging out with friends.  To help stay positive and thankful, the author has helped other people, sent cards and encouraging texts to friends.

For the author, she has had to stay focused on working toward achieving her goals and her desire to go to the beach this summer.  The author has kept her dream in front of her in a couple ways:

1.       Last week, the author mentioned needing “noise” in her apartment, but it could not be the television.  The author regularly plays YouTube videos of waves crashing against the sea shore.  This helps her have “noise” and it also reminds her of the reward coming at the end of the lock down.

Additionally, the ocean waves are very tranquil and peaceful.  When the author feels overwhelmed from her to-do list, she takes a moment to breathe, look at the beautiful scenery and relaxes.  These short breaks help refocus the author and she is able to continue with her work. 

2.       Every day, we have to find joy in these trying times.  Over President’s Day weekend, the author went to presidential and military historical sites.  While gone, she went shopping and found an inexpensive shower curtain.  She struggled purchasing it because she knew she had a shower curtain at home, but it had been in her apartment for about three years.  The author bought it and put the new shower curtain up.  Now every time the author is in her bathroom, she looks at the beautiful blue, purple and teal pastels on the shower curtain and is reminded of the ocean that she loves so much.  The author discovered how important it is to have the items in her home that make her happy and bring her joy.  It is quite possible that these items will also be reminders of the dreams and goals we have in life.

CHALLENGE: What are you looking forward to after the lock down is over?  What reminders do you have that continually remind you to stay positive and focused because you will come out on the other side of this situation stronger?


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