Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 31st

The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately. – Unknown

Today is the last day of the first quarter of 2020.  How is your year going?  Yes, we are dealing with unique times, but it is definitely not the time to stop pushing toward goal achievement.  This is the time to buckle down and keep pushing forward. 

As many people are working from home, there are potentially two scenarios individuals are dealing with:

1.       Working more because travel time is reduced or a mindset after taking a break that the time has to be “made up”.   

2.       With children or family members also at home, there is less time to be productive to work tasks and chipping away at personal goals.      

In the above scenarios, the author is the first one.  She does not have her 30 to 40-minute metro ride currently, which allows her to be on her computer by 6:30am and then work until 5:30 or 5:45pm.  This is not recommended and being “busy” does not mean productive, which is what the author learned recently.  She works long hours, but realized those long hours do not mean she is accomplishing more. 

Don’t focus on being busy; focus on being productive. Allow what matters most to drive your day. - Gary Keller

For accomplishing goals and being productive while working from home (even life overall), the solution is the same.  Spend time either the night before or early in the morning analyzing the tasks that need to be completed and write them down.  Creating a clear plan will guide the individual in what needs to be accomplished and when asked to do something else they can review their plan to determine how they should proceed. 

I guarantee that if you just buckle down, and focus, you can get twice as much done today as you got done in the last two days combined. ― Monroe Mann, Successful New Year!: The 52 Week Inspirational Planner That Will Change Your Life Forever

Once the daily task list is created, it will be easier to set time aside early in the day to accomplish the tasks. 

CHALLENGE: After determining progress on accomplishing goals in the first quarter of 2020, create a plan focusing on the important things in life allowing for time to continue progressing toward goal achievement daily.    


·       20 Things to do at home during the Coronavirus | Turn Panic into Productivity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIJndPgcrTM

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