Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 9th

Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it. ― Orrin Woodward

Health isn’t just about what you eat. It’s about what you are thinking and feeling too. — Unknown

Mental Health is measured though motivation to live; the more plans you have and the more significant they are, the more healthy you are. — Mark Brightlife

Mental fitness develops the brain and improves mental health.  According to healthline.com, mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness and should be incorporated into our daily lives.  As summer is in full swing, it is important to maintain mental fitness and there are many activities one can add to their daily life.  Here are a few that can assist with the mind-body connection:

1.       Visualizing helps individuals accomplish their dreams as was discussed in Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week in February of 2019.  Additionally, it helps with mental fitness by allowing an individual to close one’s eyes and go to there “happy place” to relax and help relieve stress.  Often, individuals will visualize removing emotional baggage to help them reduce stress. 

2.       Journaling allows an individual to write down their feelings providing a release of mental baggage and can transform an individual’s life.  During journaling, individuals often discover answers to problems and come up with creative new ideas.

3.       Positive self-talk is vital because individuals believe more of what they say to themselves than what others tell them.  Self-talk builds up one’s confidence, motivation and productivity.  The author can attest that positive self-talk is vital to improving mental fitness and living a happy and joyous life. 


Loving or hating the life you are living is solely all in your repeated self-talk. ― Edmond Mbiaka

Positive self-talk is to emotional pain as pain pill is to physical pain.

― Edmond Mbiaka

These activities are more prone to assist with stress relief and the summer is often already relaxing.  However, this is a great time to incorporate a mental fitness routine into one’s life to prepare for the craziness of life in the fall. 

CHALLENGE:  Try one of the mental fitness activities to improve mental toughness.  

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