Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 23rd

What you are thinking, what shape your mind is in, is what makes the biggest difference of all.  - Willie Mays

I’m about five inches from being an outstanding golfer. That’s the distance my left ear is from my right.  ~ Ben Crenshaw

Most months, the author goes to a senior living home to paint fingernails for the residents.  In July, there was a plethora of volunteers so the author had the opportunity to play checkers with one of the residents.  As she was playing, she quickly realized how strategic the game of checkers was.  It was very important to think two or three moves ahead to set up the checker board to win.  Afterwards, she thought back to a New Year’s Day party where she played connect four.  During that game, she had also realized the importance of thinking strategically to create the opportunity to win.  Through these two experiences, the author learned that mental fitness can be fun.

Board games incorporates two different recommended activities for mental fitness…interacting with people and playing games.  However, it is also important to find ways to work on mental fitness via games when alone.  Suggested ideas include Soduko, crossword puzzles and electronic games.  The author recently downloaded a game on her phone and became enthralled with making words out of four, five or six letters.  Through this, she has learned new words and worked on her mental fitness.  Electronic games can be beneficial because they work on reasoning, word skills and math.  And these games are easy and simple to do even when one is tired and worn out from a long day at the office.  Furthermore, they can be done anywhere such as riding the Metro, waiting in a car or standing in line to check out at the grocery store.   

Physical strength will get you to the start line.  But mental strength will get you to the finish line. – fitnesschat.co (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/667166132279665215/)

CHALLENGE:  Find a way to challenge your brain during downtimes.  Download a new game on your phone, search for crossword puzzles online, etc. 


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