Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 7th

What can you learn from a statue? You can learn to stay calm whatever happens! ― Mehmet Murat ildan 

By staying calm, you invite others to stay calm; by panicking, you 
provoke others to panic! You see, you can design the world by designing yourself! ― Mehmet Murat ildan

When you stay calm, positive, and confident, life will open her door of abundance. ― Debasish Mridha

On a regular basis, I would stop by my apartment to check the progress of the renovations.  Towards the end of March, I was told that my apartment was ready to move back into.  As I viewed the apartment the day before I was supposed to move back in, I horrified by the number of issues I found with the contractor’s work.  Returning to the hotel, I talked with one of my new friends and he told me to delay having the furniture delivered and tell the apartment complex to fix everything.  After that conversation, I canceled the delivery of my furniture.  Thursday morning, I went early to my apartment and made a list of 50 issues that needed to be fixed.  After sending the list to a few people, I returned to the hotel to do work.

The following day I was told that all of the repairs would be completed on Monday afternoon and then on Tuesday I would be able to move in.  On Sunday afternoon, one of my other new military friends went with me to my apartment.  Walking around my apartment, he said, “You are not moving back in here Tuesday.  This place is still horrible.”  As we left my apartment complex, we ran into the maintenance supervisor and he asked how the apartment was.  My military friend said, “She is not moving back into her apartment on Tuesday.” 

After returning to my hotel room, I received a text from the contractor saying he would get everything done on Monday and I would be able to move back in on Tuesday.  Since there had been so many issues, I delayed setting up delivery of my stuff because I was not sure everything would be to my satisfaction. 

Once I was “ok” with the repairs, I called the furniture recovery company to have the furniture delivered.  After issues with them, those were resolved and I received a delivery date for my furniture.  The day before I was supposed move back in, I received a call from the moving company.  Since I had issues throughout the process and expressed my dissatisfaction, the CEO called to tell me that they broke my box springs for my bed.  At this point, I had so many issues with this fire and getting my stuff recovered that I literally laughed at the CEO when he told me.  Once I stopped laughing, we discussed how he was resolving the issue and I was satisfied with his solution.

Through this whole process, I learned to just stay calm and handle each problem as it arises. 

CHALLENGE:  Stay calm and peaceful!


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