Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 30th

I just spend my money on the essentials. Just basically food and shelter. - David Duchovny

Be ruthless! Say no to everything that is either not essential or doesn’t add something of value to your life. - Dee Waldeck

When you find out you can live without it, go along not thinking about it. – Baloo

What is really essential in life? 

Not knowing how long I would be out of my fire-damaged apartment and knowing that all of my clothes needed to be dry cleaned, I went through my closet and selected some basic clothing items.  The dry cleaners said they would do a rush job on a few clothing items, but it would still take about 5 days to get those items back.  Looking in my closet, I picked a few versatile items that I would be able to wear and had a few business attire items rushed through the dry cleaners.  My basic attire included 3 scarves, 2 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts and 2 tank tops.  Over the 33 days I was in the hotel, I purchased 2 shirts.

In many parts of my life, I love consistency and routine, but I like variety in my clothing.  However, I was very limited in my options during this time.  I learned to mix and match attire especially since I hung out with friends on most evenings.  Through this, I learned to life on the bare essentials of life.  This whole experience taught me to think about what truly is important in life.

CHALLENGE:  As we are in the middle of spring, it is a great time to declutter.

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