Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 2nd

You defeat wrong thoughts with words, not with other thoughts. – Terri Savelle Foy

The words you speak become the house you live in. – Hafiz

Don't use your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation! – Joel Osteen


According to dictionary.com, should means:

must; ought (used to indicate duty, propriety, or expediency.

This word needs to be removed from our thoughts and our language.  Erin Falconer discusses in her book “How to Get Sh*t Done” that we use the word “should” all day long in our inner dialogue. 
  • I “should” go to the gym instead of watching television. 
  • I “should” visit family more often.
  • I “should” read 20 pages in the book.  
“Should” is an indicator that we either do not want to do what we are thinking/saying or we do not plan on doing what we are thinking/saying.  This inner divide in our minds of what is expected to be done and what we want to do creates feelings of guilt, shame and indecision.  Additionally, the word “should” indicates that what is being planned is only a possibility and not what will actually happen, which provides an excuse for why something may not happen. 

Instead, it is better to use the word “will” because it is a definite word. 
  • I “will” go to the gym.
  • I “will” visit my family this weekend. 
  • I “will” read 20 pages in the book.
By changing the words we speak, we are setting ourselves up to accomplish our dreams and goals. 

CHALLENGE:  Count how many times in a day you say to yourself out loud or internally “I should”.  What do you plan to do to change from “should” to “will” to help you accomplish your dreams and goals? 


Falconer, E. (2018). How to Get Sh*t Done. New York, NY: North Star Way.


Positive Affirmations to Change Your Attitude - https://www.terri.com/positive-affirmations-to-change-your-attitude/

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