Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 6th

Be who you want to be, not what people want to see. – Unknown

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. — Eleanor Roosevelt

Be yourself.  The world worships an original. - Ingrid Bergman

Never let anyone tell you who you are, hold your head up high, look them in the eyes and TELL them who you are. - Sonya Parker

Last week, I wrote about the story of Monty Roberts receiving an “F” on a high school assignment and was given the opportunity to rewrite the paper for a better grade.  Monty told his teacher he could keep his F and Monty was going to keep his dream. 

This story greatly resonated with me as I have recently had people tell me that the dreams I am praying for are impossible.  Over the last month, I had an acquaintance ask me a question and then lecture me for five minutes about how I needed to walk away from a situation because it would never happen.  Another time I listened to a webinar and when I contacted the speaker to receive her husband’s perspective on a story she told, an employee of the company responded with her opinion of the question I asked and never tried to obtain the husband’s perspective.  

During the frustrating times when are dreams are not progressing at the pace we would like and people are telling us our dreams are impossible, these are the times to stay upbeat and have a positive mindset.  In the first example I gave above, the person I was talking with kept saying “What if” and my response was “Everything happens in perfect timing.”  Her response to me was “That is a positive person’s mindset”.

When people say your dreams are impossible and tell you why something is not going to happen, be gracious during the conversation, walk away when the conversation is over, take time to calm down and analyze what was said.  After these types of conversations, it is important to remember your purpose so that you can determine if what the person said is congruent with your life’s purpose or not.  If it is not, disregard what they said and move on.  If what they said is something you needed to hear, take time to analyze and incorporate changes into your life.

Remember that you have to work as hard as you can to accomplish your dreams and then leave the rest up to God. 

90% of life is about remaining calm. - Dr. Chris Feudtner

Challenge: Develop a process of how you will deal with negative and unsupportive people. 

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