Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 19th

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. - Friedrich Nietzsche

If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. - Gautama Buddha

When I moved back to Texas in 2006, I had no dreams, goals or a vision for my life.  A couple months after I moved back, the church I was attending had a lady’s conference and the speaker was Lynette Lewis who had graduated from the same college I did.  During that conference, she told her personal story of waiting until 42 to marry the man of her dreams and how she used her personal purpose statement to remind herself to press forward in life and not “fret” over the fact that she had not met the “right one”.  Listening to her, I was energized.  I read her book Climbing the Ladder in Stilettos: ten strategies for stepping up to success and satisfaction at work and then wrote my own personal purpose statement.  After contemplating the direction I wanted my life to head towards, I started learning about goals and decided I wanted to get involved in politics (look where that took me!).  Through the years, I have continued to follow Lynette Lewis by reading her blog, listening to podcasts, etc.

Fast forward to November 30, 2017.  As I was going through email, I saw one from her announcing a quarterly event in New York City called Love Your Life where the topic was going to be “Turning Your Passion into Your Profession”.  At first, I ignored the email and went on doing various things.  However, I kept seeing this email in my Inbox for a couple days and thought about attending.  After a week of contemplating, I decided to go.  One of my “40 Before 40” ideas had been to see New York at Christmas, so I decided I could two things with one trip.  (I posted my Christmas in New York pictures on Facebook in my 40 Before 40 albums!  I still love Tiffany’s on Fifth Avenue.) 

Back to my story…I drove to New York City on Sunday December 10th and did sightseeing that Sunday night and on Monday December 11th.  Around 4pm on Monday, I started questioning my sanity because I drove to New York City to attend an event where I would know absolutely NO ONE!  After receiving a text from my sister, I left my hotel and walked the half mile to the location.  Walking in, I was still questioning myself, but within 10 minutes of arriving, I met the nicest lady named Teri and we had a great conversation.  Additionally, I met a dance student who is originally from Washington, D.C. and is attending school in New York City.  She was fun to talk with because she could completely relate to my frustration with traffic. 

The program consisted of two women who found their passion and incorporated it into their professions.  After the program, I waited to talk to Lynette.  I asked her if she remembered speaking at the church in Austin, Texas and she said she did.  When I told her what an impact on my life she had, she gave me a big hug and was so excited that I had driven up from Washington, D.C. to attend.  Thinking about the evening as I was getting ready for bed, I realized all my fear and anxiety had been for nothing because I learned so much and had a great experience.

CHALLENGE:  If you do not have a personal purpose statement, I highly recommend that you take time to create one.  To learn more about how to create a personal purpose statement, check out Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week on December 8, 2015, email me and I can provide a plethora of documentation or check out Lynette Lewis website listed below.


Lewis, Lynette. (2006). Climbing the Ladder in Stilettos: ten strategies for stepping up to success and satisfaction at work. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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