Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 23rd

What gives ambiverts strength is the same thing that gives bilingual people strength—they can talk to and understand introverts in their organization, and they can talk to and understand extroverts in their organization. – Daniel Pink

There is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert. Such a person would be in the lunatic asylum. ~ Carl G Jung

Have you determined if you are an extrovert or an introvert?  Based on the quote above by Carl Jung, no one is at the full extreme of being an introvert or extrovert.  We fall somewhere on the personality spectrum and if you fall pretty close to the middle you may be an Ambivert.  According to Larry Kim in an article titled “Why Ambiverts Are More Successful and Influential Than Extroverts”, an Ambivert can be an asset because: 

  • Flexible: Ambiverts are very adaptive to the situation. 
  • Stable: Psychologist Hans Eysenck coined the term “ambivert” in 1947.  He said they offer a good balance between the hypersensitivity of some introverts and the domineering attitude of some extroverts.
  • Intuitive: Daniel Pink said that ambiverts “know when to speak up and when to shut up, when to inspect and when to respond, when to push and when to hold back.

Famous Ambiverts:

  • John Lennon
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • George Carlin 

CHALLENGE:  Do you know anyone who is an Ambivert?  How do you interact with them? 

I hope the last couple weeks of blog post have been beneficial in learning about personality types for both personal and business purposes. 


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