Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 19th

If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go with others.  – African Proverb

Networking is not collecting contacts!  Networking is about planting relations. – MiShaat

The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work. – Robert Kiyosaki

Last week Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week was about how important it is to read about various topics to be educated when networking.  This week, let’s discuss why networking is so important.  According to dictionary.com, NETWORKING (v.) is:

to cultivate people who can be helpful to one professionally, especially in finding employment or moving to a higher position: to connect to a network.

Networking is for everyone for different reasons.  Here are a few benefits from networking:

  • Make contacts and build relationships
  • Find mentors
  • Resources to learn the latest trends in industries
  • Attract new opportunities
  • Personal growth
  • Learn different perspectives
  • Raise an individual’s profile
  • Gratification from helping others.  Remember that networking is not just about helping yourself, but you also have knowledge that you can impart into others. 

CHALLENGE: What are the current networking activities you’re doing?  Research other events/activities that you can do to grow and develop yourself!

Networking is an essential part of building wealth. – Armstrong Williams

Networking is more about ‘farming’ than it is about ‘hunting’.  It’s about cultivating relationships. – Dr. Ivan Misner, BNI


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