Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 9th

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. – Mike Murdock

I like having a routine, because everything else... is so unpredictable. - Jordana Brewster

A couple weeks ago, I had a meeting downtown that started at 10:15am.  I knew I had to leave my apartment at 9:15am to make sure I had adequate time to drive in wonderful Austin traffic, find a parking spot and walk to the office of where the meeting was.  Since I was not going to my office before the meeting, I worked from home.  While working, I watched the clock to make sure I had time to finish getting ready and continued to do “one more thing”.  As time ticked away and 9:15am got closer, I started rushing because I realized I had not adequately planned.  I made it to the meeting with plenty of time to spare, but I do not like to rush.  

Why was I rushing?  My morning routine was discombobulated.  A recent stat I heard said that our lives our 90% routine.  On usual mornings, I have my normal routine of waking up and doing my morning devotional, working out, showering, eating breakfast and leaving for the office.  When my morning routine changes, it is often hard to make the flow of my day work.

As humans, we are creatures of habit.  My challenge to you is to use this for your benefit.  Develop a routine that will help you accomplish your goals.  A Forbes article I read said that the most successful people accomplish their five most important daily tasks before 8am each morning.

Challenge: Last week, you created a list of action steps to help you accomplish your goals and dreams.  Develop a routine to daily accomplish those action steps early in the day. 

I do better with routines and predictability. I don't react well when there's a sudden change in the schedule. - Gretchen Rubin

Success is something you attract, by the person you become. - Jim Rohn


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