Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 16th

I like routine. - Gail Porter

I like having a routine, because everything else... is so unpredictable. - Jordana Brewster

Routinize the routine. The things that aren't important to you, whether it's breakfast or your commute, try to do them with the least energy possible so that leaves you with more energy for other things. - Robert Pozen

Henry James, who was a 19th century literary writer, would prepare for the next day after dinner the night before by making notes about the topics and subjects he wanted to write about.  By having a written plan, he would wake up with clarity and purpose for his day.  

I highly recommend a nightly routine.  For me, I am working on establishing a new evening routine by coming home and reading instead of watching television.  My goals for this new routine are to help me relax, increase my knowledge and accomplish my reading goal for 2016.  After dinner, I washes dishes, prepare the coffee pot for my morning coffee, make my lunch, pack my briefcase and wipe down counters in the kitchen and bathroom.  In the morning, everything is ready and I do not rush around my apartment getting organized.  This is so important to the success of my day that I have actually come home during lunch if I have an evening meeting and prepare everything for my next morning.  

CHALLENGE: Each of us will have different things we will want to incorporate into our evening routines including a beauty routine, reading before bed, etc.  Below are articles of successful people and what their evening routines include to help you research ideas.  My suggestion is that your nightly routine be geared toward helping you prepare to accomplish your action steps and 2016 goals the next day.


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