Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 26th

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. - Walter Scott

Over Memorial Day weekend, I learned a great lesson from a friend.  For the last year, my friend has been working on a major project and I would receive progress updates from her when we would get together.  She put forth many hours of research and developed a plan that she thought would be beneficial to help the individuals she was trying to assist.  After long, tedious hours of creating the plan, her proposal was provided to another group of individuals and it was not implemented.  Last Monday, I received a text from her telling me the situation was not looking good.  Tuesday I checked on her and she said things were looking worse.  The final decision was made Thursday that her plan would not be implemented.  She was frustrated when she started to see that her plan would not be utilized and she may have felt that all those hours were wasted (Terri’s thoughts).  However by the time I saw her, she was fine with the situation.  In all reality, she was probably good with the situation by Wednesday, which was about 48 hours after she started to realize what the probable outcome would be.  

David P. Ingerson said, “Oftentimes in life, we can only determine our actions; not the outcome.”  Based on the situation, my friend did everything she possibly could to have her plan implemented and then it was put in the hands of someone else.  Her actions were correct; however, she had no control over the outcome.  Even though it did not go the way she desired, she was ready to move on with the right perspective and a good attitude. 

There are times that we all go through difficult seasons and the outcomes are not what we had desired after working so hard to accomplish something.  In those difficult times, remember Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” 

You can't say what the outcome of a competition is going to be, so now I am ready to accept any result that comes my way, if I give my best shot. - Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore

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