Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 2nd

Who am I??  

·         1816: Family was forced out of their home. Had to work to support them.
·         1818: Mother died.
·         1831: Failed in business.
·         1832: Ran for the state legislature - lost.
·         1832: Lost job - wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in.
·         1833: Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year was bankrupt. Spent the next 17 years of life paying off debt.
·         1834: Ran for state legislature again - won.
·         1835: Engaged to be married, his sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
·         1836: Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.
·         1838: Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated.
·         1840: Sought to become elector - defeated.
·         1843: Ran for Congress - lost.
·         1846: Ran for Congress again - this time won - went to Washington and did a good job.
·         1848: Ran for re-election to Congress - lost.
·         1849: Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected.
·         1854: Ran for Senate of the United States - lost.
·         1856: Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention - got less than 100 votes.
·         1858: Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost.
·         1860: Elected president of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the great Presidents.  During a recent biography I was watching, it said he knew that he was destined to change the world.  He knew he could not give up and had to keep fighting no matter the outcome.  

As we are 30 days away from 2015, have you written down your goals for next year?  

Have you thought about those things you have wanted to do, but have felt defeated and didn’t think you could?  Have you ever felt that everything was against you and that don’t know why you are still fighting?   Decide in 2015 that no matter what, you will accomplish your goals.  

Remember these words from Abraham Lincoln as you prepare to have an amazing 2015...

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.


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