Monday, December 22, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 23rd

There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. - Nelson Mandela, 11th President of South Africa

Bonjour from Luzern, Switzerland!

As I am writing this Tuesday Tip of the Week, I am sitting outside in gorgeous Luzern, Switzerland. To my left, I see the amazing Alps and to my right are beautiful hotels. In future blog posts, I will tell you more about this amazing European adventure I have been blessed to experiene, but right now here is something I was reminded of during one of my great hikes!

On my first day here, I saw the name GUTSCH on a hilltop and saw a castle like building behind it. Immediately, I became enamoured to discover what this place was. After researching, I learned that it is a beautiful chateau situated in the middle of the Alps. With the adventurous spirit that I currently have, I decided one night to walk up to it. Before I left, I checked the map and it was only about a mile and half away from my hotel. So I started walking to find this intriguing place.

As I walked along, I soon discovered that I had not taken the right road suggested on the map so I started looking for signs to find my destination. There was one building that had Gutsch on it, but looked like apartments or condos. As I was about to give up and head back to my hotel, I checked the Compass on my phone to discover I was on the right path. During my journey, I turned left and started climbing a very inclined road. To me, it seemed the right way to go because the Chateau was up on a hill, but checking my Compass again I soon discovered I had detoured again. Soon, I was back on the right path to my final destination. After about 25 minutes and various detours along the way, I made it to Chateau Gutsch.

Walking back to my hotel, I was thinking about this experience and knew immediately that it would be a great story to tell for this week's blog post. Over the last couple of weeks, Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week has been discussinng goal setting for 2015. This experience was a great example for our lives. There are times that we set goals and have the best intentions of accomplishing them. However, there are detours, trials and tribulations that come along that try to stop us from completing them. Having written goals and a purpose statement provide the Compass to our lives to make sure we stay on the right path. As I was reminded when I saw the view from the Chateau Gutsch looking down over Luzern, pushing through all the distractions, detours and trials is well worth it to win the prize.

Au Revoir

To see pictures of Chateau Gutsch, go to:

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