Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 9th

Toes in the Sand - Part 2

Last week, I talked about simply taking time to unplug from life and having fun.  We are now back to work, getting back in to our daily schedules with kids, etc. and the next time you may have a vacation could be Thanksgiving or Christmas.  With the daily stress of life, it is important that we simply take a daily “vacation”.  If we don’t release the burdens and yokes of life, we will not be able to enjoy all aspects of our lives and accomplish the amazing purposes we were put on this Earth to accomplish. 

I have been told that I am one of the most intense individuals that some people have ever met.  I am goal-oriented and know what my purpose in this live is.  When I left Thursday afternoon as I prepared to go to the beach, I was absolutely worn out.  I needed the vacation, but I also know that I should not have allowed myself to get to absolute burnout.  As I pondered how I could have prevented this and find ways to relax since I am not taking my vacation until December, I decided that I daily need to have a “vacation” to help me relax. 
Here are ideas of how to take a “Daily Vacation”:

  •  Meditate

"Within yourself is a stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself." - Herman Hess 

Meditation is a mental exercise that allows one to focus on one’s breathing and clearing of the mind.  Start out meditating for 5 minutes a day and you will see major changes in your life. 

  • Unplug for 24 hours from technology

Computers, TVs, iPhones are all great.  However, our society has become so controlled by them.  We are constantly checking to see who liked our post on Facebook or Twitter.  We watch the latest reality TV show to see who got kicked off Dancing with the Stars or see the latest joke from Uncle Si on Duck Dynasty.  It will be there tomorrow.  TURN IT OFF!  Your life will be different and you will be able to do other fun things in life.

  • Have an attitude of gratitude!

Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you. - Eileen Caddy

  • Listen to calming music

Listen to classical music or the sounds of nature.  I love having beach waves going throughout the day to remind me of the wonderful time I had at the beach and provide a calming atmosphere.   

  • Hang Up Reminders

Throughout my apartment, I have pictures of the beach and seashells as decorations to remind me of the wonder and beauty of the ocean.

By incorporating a couple of these ideas, you can daily take a “vacation” to help recover from the daily stress of life.  

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