Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 2nd

Toes in the Sand

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  ~Ovid

There was a recent study that said 40% of American workers will leave paid vacation unused this year (http://traveleffect.com/research/overwhelmed-america).  The article talks about why people choose not to take time off and the benefits of taking time off.  It is a good read….

Until this past weekend, I was going to be part of that 40%.  I have a long vacation planned in December, but I truly had not unplugged (turned off email, cell phone, etc.) this whole year until Thursday night.  After a political event, I packed by bags and Friday morning left for a long weekend at the beach.  While I was gone, I didn’t go see any of the museums or historical landmarks of the city I was in.  Instead, I took time to go sit on the beach, read a book, listen to the crashing of the waves and remember the limitless beauty of the ocean. 

The best part of the weekend was Saturday morning when I visited 3 different beaches.  I had a wonderful time walking along the beach, playing in the waves and kicking up the water.  I never would have thought that simply having my “Toes in the Sand” could be so amazing, refreshing and reenergizing!

The summer is over and vacations are not top of mind.  As kids go back to school and we get back into the daily “grind of life”, think about ways that you can daily take “a vacation”.  Simply taking a rest can reenergize us to become more productive and fulfill our purpose on this earth. 

A couple pictures from my trip…yes, those are my toes in the sand…

Next week’s blog post will provide ideas of how we can daily have our “Toes in the Sand”.

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