Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 26, 2023

 Focus on simplicity… once you get there, you can move mountains. - Steve Jobs

You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results. - Mike Hawkins

At the beginning of the year, the author listed four areas she was going to focus on this year. Here is an update on each of them.

1.            Prioritize – As the author stated in last week’s post, prioritizing reading has been an issue for the author this year. She has prioritized work and volunteer opportunities based on how the year has been. Over this last weekend, the author prioritized herself and spent a number of hours reading on Sunday and finished two books, which she is immensely proud of herself for doing.

2.            Solitude – This has been another challenging area for the author this year. Living alone, the author is lonely and having quiet in her home is difficult. The author is still working to have quiet times to help recover from the draining year.

3.            Communication – When this year started, the author discussed her need to improve her communication skills. For the author, she thought reading books and slowing down her speaking pace, which she has done to interact with a high-level official, would be all that she would be doing. Through slowing down her pace, the author has built her confidence up to accomplish her job responsibilities. The least likely thing occurred for the author, and she had a major milestone. On Tuesday, the author spoke to her largest audience (over 1,000) at her job. She also created the presentation with input from coworkers. The author practiced her speech and prepared for the presentation. It went wonderfully!

As long as I continue to stretch my capabilities, as long as I continue to take risks in making my dreams come true, I am going to experience fear. - Susan Jeffries

4.            Energy – Like the author stated in her mid-year review, her energy is based on eating well and good sleeping habits. During stressful times, she has struggled in the last three months remembering things at 1am, 2am and 3am. For the author, she continues to focus on these areas to keep her energy strong to finish the year strong.

ACTION: How are your focus areas going for the year? What changes do you need to make in life to help finish 2023 strong?


       Foy, Terri Savelle.(Executive Producer). (2023). Live Your Dreams [TV Series]. Victory Television.,and%20you%E2%80%99ll%20be%20more%20motivated%20on%20tough%20days

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