Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 19, 2023

 A goal is a desired outcome. A strategy is a desired outcome combined with a plan for achieving it. Create strategies, not goals. - James Clear

All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible. - Orison Swett Marden

As we are approaching the end of the third quarter of 2023, it is time to do a status check on our goals this year. Over the years, the author has talked about reviewing goals to see which goals the reader is hitting it out of the ballpark on, and those goals that the reader needs to create a strategy to focus on for the rest of 2023 to accomplish.

Each year, the author plans her year and always says at the end that it is nothing like she expected. Nine months through the year and she already knows this year is nothing like she expected. When the author took time to review her goals, she was proud of herself that she has taken many adventures to visit new places, volunteered a number of hours, sent cards to many people, and did a number of activities with friends.  

In June, the author discussed prioritization and that still is an area the author has to work on. This year has been difficult and quite draining. The author has not prioritized reading like she should have and is now behind on her goal. For the author, she is not changing the goal, but looking for ways to reprioritize her activities to read more. One part of life that will help the author is that college and NFL football are back, and she will spend time reading while watching football. Additionally, even though the author is behind in reading, she has stepped up listening to books and has continued to increase her knowledge via that media.

Lastly, the author earlier in the year talked about spring cleaning and decluttering. During that time, she took her own advice and worked in her house.  However, she recently heard a motivational speaker say “The way you do anything is the way you do everything (Foy, 2023). With the author’s crazy year, the author is reevaluating her house to find those things she needs, get rid of what she does not and purchase items to spruce up her house. She is also doing this with her closet.

ACTION:  Review your goals for this year. What changes do you need to make for the next 3 months to accomplish your goals by December 31, 2023?


·        Foy, Terri Savelle.(Executive Producer). (2023). Live Your Dreams [TV Series]. Victory Television.

·       https://wisdomquotes.com/goals-quotes/#:~:text=Review%20your%20goals%20twice%20every%20day%20in%20order,and%20you%E2%80%99ll%20be%20more%20motivated%20on%20tough%20days

·       https://www.success.com/18-motivational-quotes-about-successful-goal-setting/

·       https://www.govictory.com/episode/live-your-dreams/

·       https://www.christywright.com/e/BAh7BjoWZW1haWxfZGVsaXZlcnlfaWRsKwhzE%2FyRAgA=--d3f4c547c69fe49039fbb4f14ebed8ebab970779?cid=3fdceb97-8044-4840-b7ad-edbd62ddd668&skip_click_tracking=true

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