Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 27, 2023

 Stay focused.  Your start does not determine how you’re going to finish. – Herm Edwards

You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential. -Steve Garvey

Today, we are 3 days away from July 1st, which is halfway through the year. WOW! This year has been crazy and as the author always says it is so not what she expected this year.

As we are halfway through the year, it is time to complete our mid-year review. At the beginning of the year, the author established four areas that she would focus on this year. Below are updates on each of the areas for the author:

1.            Prioritize – The author has worked on prioritizing tasks and actions throughout the first 6 months of the year. She has looked at her priorities and tried to prioritize her activities toward accomplishing her goals and dreams. It has not always been easy, and she has had to revamp activities, which is what we need to do.

2.            Solitude – Almost daily, the author is alone as she works from home and is single, but the author learned this does not mean it is solitude. The author is continually striving towards finding those times when she removes all distractions to think. The author thinks a lot and uses her runs to process those ideas.

3.            Communication – In a blog post, the author talked about the person she has been assisting had previously intimidated her and she has had to overcome her fear and speak slowly so she was communicating effectively. The author has read books and articles to learn new ideas to incorporate into her life to improve her communication skills.

4.            Energy – The author has struggled with energy more than any other. With stress from covering for a coworker and other responsibilities, the author’s sleep has struggled. Eating the right foods is usually a strong thing for the author and so is regular exercise. As the author mentioned above, solitude is an area for the author to improve, which will help improve her energy.

Through this analysis, the author knows she needs to work on prioritizing and her energy.

ACTION:   Take time to analyze how the year is going in comparison to your goals, areas of focus, etc. What areas do you need to focus on over the next 6 months?

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