Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 13, 2023

 The greatest achievements were at first, and for some time, dreams. – James Allen

Make time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. – LeanGreenIslandGirl.com

Last week, the author honored the 79th anniversary of D-Day. That date is also an important date for the author because four years ago last Tuesday the author had her interview for her current job.  As she was getting ready to go to the interview, she watched the 75th anniversary ceremony and remembered how moving it was.

As the author was remembering June 6, 2019, she started thinking about everything that has happened in the last four years.  Additionally, she wrote a bio for a new volunteer opportunity, and she reflected on the many accomplishments she has had over her life and how people have had an impact on her.  Through this, the author was encouraged to keep pushing forward with her purpose, dreams, and goals.

Recently, the author heard a motivational speaker discuss that we need to remind ourselves of our successes and encourage ourselves.  This may sound a little strange, but it worked wonders for the author.  As the last four months have been challenging, writing her bio reminded her that she has been through many challenging times and has overcome and flourished and can do it again.  

Terri Savelle Foy recommends creating an achievement board, which is like a vision board.  The achievement board will have pictures of accomplishments to keep the reader encouraged. 

 ACTION: Take time to remember your successes and how much you have accomplished over the years.  Create an achievement board or something to reflect on those accomplishments.



·        https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/add-this-to-your-vision-board-to-stay-super-focused/id274538089?i=1000613967587

·        https://www.pinterest.com/pin/155022412148959709/

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