Sunday, May 28, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 23, 2023

 Excellence does not require perfection. - Henry James

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. - Vince Lombardi

Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. - Pat Riley

Last week, the author wrote about the last four and a half months and the challenges she has encountered with her perfectionist tendencies. The author was striving to be perfect and realized that she was the only person that expected perfection and that she was the one defining perfection. While listening to Jon Acuff’s podcast, she realized that she was striving for the wrong thing.

According to Psych Central, perfectionists have extremely ambitious standards that are insurmountable to attain. While striving for these lofty standards, perfectionists often have health, relational and confidence issues. Perfectionists believe that any mistake they make is a failure and the mistake makes them inferior.

Instead of striving for perfection, one should strive for excellence. Striving for excellence allows one to feel content with a job well done and learn from one’s mistakes.

Acuff defined in his podcast titled “8 Signs You’re a Perfectionist (Part 1)” the differences between excellence and perfectionism.

Ø  Excellence launches. Perfectionism lags.

Ø  Excellence energizes. Perfectionism drains.

Ø  Excellence encourages others. Perfectionism discourages others.

Excellence is a process that should occupy all our days. - Theodore Wilhelm Engstrom

ACTION:  Monday, we will honor the men and women that lost their lives while serving in our armed forces. These men and women daily strived for excellence. As we honor these men and women, we should learn from their quest for excellence.   



·        This sentence will change perfectionism forever. -

·        ATG 120: Beyond Perfect: The Hidden Enemy of Your Goals (Part 1) -

·        ATG 121: Beyond Perfect: Soundtracks I Use to Beat Perfectionism (Part 2) -

·        ATG 124: 8 Signs You’re a Perfectionist (Part 1) -

·        ATG 125: 8 Signs You’re a Perfectionist (Part 2) -



·        Making Adjustments - Pt 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life - - 12:35 

·        Acuff, J. (2021). Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. Prince Frederick.








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