Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - May 16, 2023

 Perfection is the enemy of progress. - Craig Groeschel

Victory is in your attitude. Not in having perfect circumstances. -  Joyce Meyer

Has the reader ever had so much to do that they did not know where to start?

As the author has mentioned, she is currently covering for a coworker, meaning she has been doing two jobs for the last four and a half months and at the time of this writing there is not a definite end date.  Work has included many ten-hour days and working weekends. While working through this busy time, the author has tried to balance her life including work, personal and goals. Honestly, it has been extremely hard because the author has perfectionist tendencies and is now working to be a recovering perfectionist. During this extremely busy time, the author has learned unbelievably valuable lessons about perfectionism.

First, what is a perfectionist? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is a “disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable.”

The author has thought long and hard about why she has perfectionist tendencies and has had many contemplative times during the last four and a half months. Here are some questions the author analyzed as she has worked through this time:

1.      What is perfect?

2.      Who defines it?

3.      Why is perfection the “goal”?

ACTION:  Are you a perfectionist? Do you have perfectionist tendencies? Are they affecting your life?




·        Making Adjustments - Pt 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life - - 12:35 

·        Acuff, J. (2021).  Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. Prince Frederick.  






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