Thursday, January 5, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 3, 2023

 Set your goals high, and do not stop till you get there. - Bo Jackson

Do not wait for the perfect time and place to enter, for you are already onstage. - Unknown

Over the holidays, the author spent time reflecting on 2022 and thinking about her goals for 2023.  2022 was stressful due to the author’s job and having relocated within less than 2 months of the new year starting.  Also, she dealt with the passing of her parents throughout the year. 

Earlier in 2022, the author contemplated 2023 and thought she knew what her word for the year was going to be.  However, she started reviewing her life and noticed that the author had become complacent on finishing her daily tasks and left many webpages unread and let them pile up.  When the author reviewed her goals, she saw that she had not accomplished her reading goal in 2022 both in the number of books to read and the number of pages to read.  For the author, she was not pleased with herself.  She also knew that the books she read were not the books she stated she wanted to read. The author has talked about FOMO (fear of missing out) and she herself fell into this trap as she read books that were the hype at the time, but did not meet her goals.

Running in the snow in Ruidoso, New Mexico, the author decided her 2023 would be based on 4 words, which are:

1.      Prioritize

2.      Solitude

3.      Communication

4.      Energy

Over the next 4 weeks, the author will discuss why these four words are directing the author’s life in 2023 and how she has implemented them in her life.

ACTION:  Review the 2023 goals you created. Are there any changes you should make based on the results of your 2022 goals?  If so, this is a great time to revise them to help you have an amazing 2023.





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