Thursday, January 12, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 10, 2023

 The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. - Stephen R. Covey

You define what is important to you by what you dedicate your time to. –

The first week of 2023 is complete. Goals are set to help move the reader toward their dreams. As we all know, life gets hectic and many things have the opportunity to derail us from moving closer to our dreams.  How do we stick with goals and accomplishing our daily tasks?  Prioritization is our friend!

What is prioritization? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “to list or rate in order or priority”. For the author, she has many things that she has to prioritize daily like everyone else and it is important to write them down.  When the author thinks about prioritizing, she also thinks about how her schedule is set up and how prioritization falls into this.  Stephen Covey says:

Schedule your priorities.

Innumerable times, the author has placed an appointment on her calendar to prioritize accomplishing something and inevitably something else takes over. For work, there are always higher priorities and for home the author can often find something around the house to make a priority. It may work for some people, but it does not work for the author. 

For the author, she has to prioritize her day by having a routine. She knows what her goals and dreams are and then sets up time in the morning to accomplish the routine before the rest of her day begins. After the most recent review of the author’s life, she knows that her faith is the most important thing so she has placed her devotional book for the year next to her bed so she can read it before even getting out of bed. Another goal the author has is to listen to a certain number of podcasts for the year so instead of turning on the news first thing in the morning the author listens to podcasts while getting ready to run and then listens to podcast while on her run.  This is a great time for multi-tasking skills. 

Another important thing to remember about prioritizing is that we are not all on 100% of the time.  We can try, but some people are morning people and some are night people. When planning one’s day, it has to be remembered to accomplish the hard tasks when one is at the top of their game and can minimize distractions.

Think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything. - Dan Millman

ACTION: How do you prioritize your life? What is your best time to accomplish important projects/goals? How are you going to prioritize the important things in your life in 2023 to accomplish your goals?



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