Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 20, 2022

 Every small act of kindness ripples into a BIG impact. - Darren Hardy

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson

John A. “Bud” Hillerich headed out to a baseball game on a late spring afternoon. While watching the game, Pete Browning broke his bat and Hillerich offered to make him a new bat. Hillerich, who was an apprentice in his father’s woodworking shop, was also an amateur baseball player that had made baseball bats for teammates and himself. Browning who had the nickname “The Louisville Slugger” had been in a batting slump and the first game with his new “Louisville Slugger” bat the slump was broken (https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history ). Through asking if Browning would like a new bat made, Hillerich changed baseball forever.

I’d have been a .290 hitter without Louisville Slugger. – Ted Williams

Like Hillerich, the reader has impacted the world and not realized it. The author experienced this on Saturday. She organized a group to participate in Wreathes Across America where individuals go to cemeteries and place wreathes on graves of those who have served in the United States military. Participants from different groups stated the event impacted their lives, and they would do it again next year. By simply asking people to volunteer, the author helped impact someone’s lives. Every reader has probably had the same impact on someone’s life.   

ACTION:  This week, take time to start thinking about what your 2023 goals are and how you want to impact lives. Start writing down goals and think about how the goals could impact one person’s life.


·       https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history

·       https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/culture-magazines/louisville-slugger#:~:text=The%20roots%20of%20the%20Louisville%20Slugger%20date%20to,their%20own%20bats%20and%20often%20owned%20only%20one

·        https://dd.darrenhardy.com/this-is-your-opportunity-to-help-millions?_hsmi=237120252&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_3fRVneA5D8ICP6oJDk7ZmrSLs-QPUYtqfy1ccesCFkBO1lLRXUY3UjTkKPHgvFwswiIVYqlRD2uah8EGSJh5uSRvlvw

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