Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 27, 2022

 Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward. -  Ralph Marston

Believe in the life inside you, believe in the great and holy mind within you, and push forward with the dream you have chosen until you make it. - Ilchi Lee

Last week, the author wrote about John A. “Bud” Hillerich making a bat for Pete Browning and from that act of kindness the iconic “Louisville Slugger” brand was born. After Hillerich, age 17, volunteered to create a bat, ballplayers from all around the country started coming to his father’s woodworking shop to have a bat created for them. However, Hillerich’s father was not supportive of taking the business in the direction of making baseball bats. He envisioned the company making wood projects that would be found in homes including stair railings, butter churns and pillars. Hillerich’s father turned away business from ballplayers because he wanted to focus on his vision. However, Hillerich persisted, and his father finally relented to his son’s enthusiasm. (https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history)

This story is a great example of how each reader needs to stick to their dreams even when opposition comes against them. Opposition can come in many forms, but when someone has a vision, they have to carry it forward and not stop when the naysayers come against them.

ACTION:  Last week, you started creating your 2023 goals and thinking about how your goals would impact lives. Do you see support from others, or do you think those around you will be like Hillerich’s father who doubted the idea and not support you? How will you overcome that in 2023?


·       https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history

·       https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/culture-magazines/louisville-slugger#:~:text=The%20roots%20of%20the%20Louisville%20Slugger%20date%20to,their%20own%20bats%20and%20often%20owned%20only%20one

·        https://dd.darrenhardy.com/this-is-your-opportunity-to-help-millions?_hsmi=237120252&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_3fRVneA5D8ICP6oJDk7ZmrSLs-QPUYtqfy1ccesCFkBO1lLRXUY3UjTkKPHgvFwswiIVYqlRD2uah8EGSJh5uSRvlvw

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 20, 2022

 Every small act of kindness ripples into a BIG impact. - Darren Hardy

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson

John A. “Bud” Hillerich headed out to a baseball game on a late spring afternoon. While watching the game, Pete Browning broke his bat and Hillerich offered to make him a new bat. Hillerich, who was an apprentice in his father’s woodworking shop, was also an amateur baseball player that had made baseball bats for teammates and himself. Browning who had the nickname “The Louisville Slugger” had been in a batting slump and the first game with his new “Louisville Slugger” bat the slump was broken (https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history ). Through asking if Browning would like a new bat made, Hillerich changed baseball forever.

I’d have been a .290 hitter without Louisville Slugger. – Ted Williams

Like Hillerich, the reader has impacted the world and not realized it. The author experienced this on Saturday. She organized a group to participate in Wreathes Across America where individuals go to cemeteries and place wreathes on graves of those who have served in the United States military. Participants from different groups stated the event impacted their lives, and they would do it again next year. By simply asking people to volunteer, the author helped impact someone’s lives. Every reader has probably had the same impact on someone’s life.   

ACTION:  This week, take time to start thinking about what your 2023 goals are and how you want to impact lives. Start writing down goals and think about how the goals could impact one person’s life.


·       https://www.slugger.com/en-us/explore/our-history

·       https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/culture-magazines/louisville-slugger#:~:text=The%20roots%20of%20the%20Louisville%20Slugger%20date%20to,their%20own%20bats%20and%20often%20owned%20only%20one

·        https://dd.darrenhardy.com/this-is-your-opportunity-to-help-millions?_hsmi=237120252&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_3fRVneA5D8ICP6oJDk7ZmrSLs-QPUYtqfy1ccesCFkBO1lLRXUY3UjTkKPHgvFwswiIVYqlRD2uah8EGSJh5uSRvlvw

Friday, December 16, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 13, 2022

 We can accomplish more together than we can alone. - Max De Pree

Other people have qualities that may be better than your own. Let them express them. - Nelson Mandela


On November 12, 2022, the author ran the Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth 5-miler.  Through her church, a group of runners registered and ran together.  The author has run for years to relax, process problems and stay in shape. Usually, she runs alone and maintains the same pace.  However, running this 5-miler was different.  The group the author ran with was a few men and we were told this was the flattest course any runner would ever run.  The author would disagree with that as there were “minor” hills when we started.   As we progressed, the author kept up with the other men she was running with through the first 2.25 miles.  After that, she had to slow down to a different pace. 

The author completed the 5-miler running her personal best and took a picture as she crossed the finish line.

What made the difference for the author in this run?  She maintained a pace with better runners that helped her improve.  As the author is a very independent person, she learned that we all need community and that we get better with others.      

ACTION: When have you done something alone and realized later that you could have done better if you had a team/community/friends assisting?  How will you change this in 2023?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 6, 2022

Be here.  Be Present.  Wherever you are, be there. – Willie Nelson

You must be present to win. – Alex Rodriguez


Has the reader ever been brushed off, ignored or felt like someone they were talking to did not consider them important? 

According to the Mary Kay Foundation, many years ago Mary Kay Ash experienced this.  She stood in line for 2 hours to meet a man she highly regarded.  When she made it to the front of the line, the man shook her hand while looking over her shoulder to view the length of the crowd still to meet.  In that moment, Ash was distraught, hurt and betrayed.  Ash decided at that moment that every person she met would have her full attention and she would make that person feel special.    

December is full of hustle and bustle.  Do not forget the reason for the season and to focus on the individuals in front of the reader.    

This lesson should be remembered all year long as we should always remember to focus on the present and the people in front of the reader at the moment.

ACTION:  Think about how you can be present during this holiday season. 
