Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 22, 2022


Worry is a waste of energy.  It can’t change the past.  It can’t control the future.  It only makes today miserable. - Rick Warren

Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you - to pray more, trust more, expect more. - Rick Warren

In early September, the author challenged readers to take on a new task/project/activity to finish the year strong.  As we are less than 32 days from the end of the year, how is the reader doing on completing or implementing this project? 

The author has to tell on herself.  Work has been extremely busy and she has been focused with a few other things meaning her new project has not been her top priority.  Focusing on the project the week of Thanksgiving, she ran into issues with people being on vacation and not available to answer her questions.  Stressing over the situation over the long weekend, the author lost sleep because she did not know how she would handle the situation. 

During this time, the author read a couple devotionals by Rick Warren that challenged her to not worry because it would be a waste of her energy.  One specific devotion said that sometimes the best thing to do is get a good night sleep because the situation would look different the next way.  Looking back over previous blog posts, the author herself wrote to relax like Carl Lewis when he competed because he ran faster when he was relaxed. 

As the weekend came to an end, the author came up with a plan and was able to implement.  Almost immediately after implementing, she had peace.

ACTION:  What actions can you take this week to move closer to accomplishing your task/activity/project?  Remember to relax to go faster as we move closer to the end of 2022.

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