Thursday, November 24, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 19, 2022

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson

Be thankful for today, because in one moment, your entire life could change. – Unknown

Wake up each day and be thankful for life. – Anonymous

Today (Saturday November 19, 2022) is one year since I boarded an airplane in Washington, DC to move home to Texas.  It was not an easy decision and I definitely questioned if it was right. However as I said when I announced it on my blog, my family in Texas is all I have left and I need to be close to them.   

In the last year, my sister and I have shared joint custody of the most adorable 10lb dog that we inherited from our father and then our mother. Anyone can compete with us to who has the most spoiled dog and I think we will win! 

When I first returned back to Texas, I rented a house for 6 months and then I bought a nice little place that is close to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base. Almost daily, I see jets flying while I work in my reading nook. 

Over the last year, I have found some great organizations to get involved with and volunteered at including the Fort Worth Livestock Show, Life Church-Fort Worth, Fort Worth A&M Club and a few others things along the way. Lastly, I have visited about 50 new places in Texas that I had not before.

I am grateful and thankful for an amazing sister and the many wonderful opportunities I have had. Everything has turned out well for me since I made the move. 

ACTION:  As Thanksgiving is Thursday, take time to think about the family and friends you will be around and find reason to be thankful for them. While spending time together, tell them why you are thankful for them.









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