Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 22, 2022


Worry is a waste of energy.  It can’t change the past.  It can’t control the future.  It only makes today miserable. - Rick Warren

Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you - to pray more, trust more, expect more. - Rick Warren

In early September, the author challenged readers to take on a new task/project/activity to finish the year strong.  As we are less than 32 days from the end of the year, how is the reader doing on completing or implementing this project? 

The author has to tell on herself.  Work has been extremely busy and she has been focused with a few other things meaning her new project has not been her top priority.  Focusing on the project the week of Thanksgiving, she ran into issues with people being on vacation and not available to answer her questions.  Stressing over the situation over the long weekend, the author lost sleep because she did not know how she would handle the situation. 

During this time, the author read a couple devotionals by Rick Warren that challenged her to not worry because it would be a waste of her energy.  One specific devotion said that sometimes the best thing to do is get a good night sleep because the situation would look different the next way.  Looking back over previous blog posts, the author herself wrote to relax like Carl Lewis when he competed because he ran faster when he was relaxed. 

As the weekend came to an end, the author came up with a plan and was able to implement.  Almost immediately after implementing, she had peace.

ACTION:  What actions can you take this week to move closer to accomplishing your task/activity/project?  Remember to relax to go faster as we move closer to the end of 2022.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 19, 2022

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. – Henri Bergson

Be thankful for today, because in one moment, your entire life could change. – Unknown

Wake up each day and be thankful for life. – Anonymous

Today (Saturday November 19, 2022) is one year since I boarded an airplane in Washington, DC to move home to Texas.  It was not an easy decision and I definitely questioned if it was right. However as I said when I announced it on my blog, my family in Texas is all I have left and I need to be close to them.   

In the last year, my sister and I have shared joint custody of the most adorable 10lb dog that we inherited from our father and then our mother. Anyone can compete with us to who has the most spoiled dog and I think we will win! 

When I first returned back to Texas, I rented a house for 6 months and then I bought a nice little place that is close to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base. Almost daily, I see jets flying while I work in my reading nook. 

Over the last year, I have found some great organizations to get involved with and volunteered at including the Fort Worth Livestock Show, Life Church-Fort Worth, Fort Worth A&M Club and a few others things along the way. Lastly, I have visited about 50 new places in Texas that I had not before.

I am grateful and thankful for an amazing sister and the many wonderful opportunities I have had. Everything has turned out well for me since I made the move. 

ACTION:  As Thanksgiving is Thursday, take time to think about the family and friends you will be around and find reason to be thankful for them. While spending time together, tell them why you are thankful for them.









Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 8, 2022

 We don’t know them all, but we owe them all. - Unknown

 It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle. - General Norman Schwarzkopf

As we have now entered November, the author always likes to take time to think about the things that she is thankful for.    

On Friday, our country will take time to honor the men and women that have served our great county.  According to, the United States commemorated November 11th as Armistice Day after World War I.  This specific date has meaning because the fighting of World War I ended on November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour, 11th month, 11th day).  

 This Friday, our country will celebrate its 75th Veteran’s Day.  The first Veteran’s Day was recognized in 1947 when a World War II veteran from Birmingham, Alabama organized his community for the first Veteran’s Day celebration.  Raymond Weeks felt that all men and women who have served our country in the military should be remembered and not only those who lost their life in battle as we remember on Memorial Day.  Congress passed legislation in 1954 designating November 11th as Veteran’s Day.

Here is a new challenge for everyone this thanksgiving season.  We can be thankful for the men and women that served this country, but we need to take it a step further and tell them.  As Veteran’s Day approaches, it is a great time to prepare to tell our veterans thank you. 


ACTION:  Take time over the next couple days to think about what you are thankful and grateful for and be prepared to tell one of the many men and women that have served our country thank you and why. 










Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 1, 2022

 If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward. – John Wooden

 Out of adversity comes opportunity. – Benjamin Franklin

Is the reader a potato, egg or coffee bean? 

In the last few days, the author heard the below story and learned how important it is to be adaptable in how we handle adversity in life:


One day the daughter of a chef came home and was in distressful state. She looked confused. She said she did not know what to do, she went home to her dad.


She related with her dad how life was so cruel for her. She said she seemed keep solving problems only to face another one. It was happening like this for far too long. She was in the brink of giving up on life.


Her father, calm and sympathetic, was all ears listening to her dear daughter’s plight. He took her to his kitchen and prepared something to cook. They were potato, egg and coffee beans. He first filled three pots with water and placed each one was put on a burner. After a few minutes all pots started to boil.


He took the potato, egg and coffee beans into each pot. All this time her father was on his usual way, loving, all ears, only his eyes and body language told her how happy he was to see her and how sympathetic he was on what she was going through. The daughter continued telling her sad story.


After sometime, her father turned off the fire on the burners then the father placed the three pots on the marble table.


He scooped out the egg and potato and placed them on a plate. And the last pot he had poured the once just water, now became boiling coffee.


Then her father finally spoke to her softly as his demeanor always was. He spoke: My dear child tell me what do you see?


She said, quite a bit wondering, Dad I see potato, egg and a cup of coffee. Now can I eat and drink?


Surely, but for a while, look at them. What happened to the three of them?


She touched the potato and said, I see and feel the potato is soft, I think it is cooked already.


OK my child, what about the egg, could you peel off the egg shells please.


She obliged and said, the egg has become solid and hard, well done. I like it that way.


Very good. Glad to hear about that, her father said. What about the cup of coffee?


It has a glorious aroma. It makes me like to really drink it. Why are you asking all these, dad?


Her dad finally spoke:


This is the story of resilience and fortitude. The potatoes, eggs and coffee beans had undergone exactly the same boiling water – the same ordeals and challenges.


The egg has shells, brittle and fragile protecting the liquid white and orange yolk. However, as you can see, after it went through the boiling water, the egg became firm and hard.


The potato was sturdy, and hard but after it went through the boiling water, the potato became soft.


But the coffee beans is different, after it went through the boiling water, it changed the boiling water into totally different thing. It became coffee!


Now my daughter, here is my point. We all went through adversity of life and we all can be like potato, egg and coffee. Which one are you?


Are you a potato, that is, after undergoing adversity, became soft or an egg, once fragile has changed into being hard. Or coffee the one which changed the adversity to its advantage and make the challenge turned itself into something amazing.  Coffee with glorious aroma, and taste.


My dear daughter, said the chef, in life we are faced with many similar adversities but as always it could make us or break us. What matter is what is inside you. May your heart become stronger not weaker and braver not more fearful. (

In each situation we encounter, we are in control of how we handle the situation.  The author used this story recently in her own life.  She traveled somewhere with a group and made the decision when she decided to go on the trip to be adaptable and flexible with the group.  By making this decision before going, she had a wonderful time. 

ACTION: With today being November 1, 2022, the holidays are fast approaching.  What decisions can you make today to be adaptable and resilient as you finish strong in 2022 and the holidays?








·        How to Go Faster – Darren Hardy -

·        Carl Lewis: The Master Finisher - Faster, Higher, Stronger - BBC Two –





