Thursday, September 8, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 6, 2022

 Risk means acting without certainty. – Darren Hardy


Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing. - Denis Waitley


Last week, the author challenged readers to review their progress toward their 2022 goals.  Were there any surprises the reader discovered either in regards to the progress made so far this year or maybe the reader thought they would be farther along by this point in the year?  What about an idea or dream the reader has not started yet?

The author did this challenge a couple weeks ago.  She reviewed her goals and thought about what she still wanted to occur this year.  As the author has said many times, timing is important in many aspects of life.  For the author, she has had a hard time in her return to Texas finding the right areas to get involved in.  Knowing her passions, she tried to find places to volunteer for the military and every door closed.  On an ordinary day in July, she was sitting with a group of ladies at church and a discussion began about starting groups to help others.  The first thing the author thought of was to create a group to help the military.  There is a military base close by and some attend the same church as the author.  As the author continued to think about the idea, it became something she could see herself doing because she had done similar activities in various places she has lived. 

Every risk is worth taking as long as it’s for a good cause, and contributes to a good life. – Richard Branson


For the author, she has a dream and it is a risk to implement.  It is not going to be easy because there are many barriers to overcome and connections to make.  She is taking the dream and starting small and hoping it will grow. 


ACTION: What dreams have you had that you could start today to help others and contribute to humanity to make it better?



·       How to Go Faster – Darren Hardy -

·       Carl Lewis: The Master Finisher - Faster, Higher, Stronger - BBC Two –







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