Thursday, June 23, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 21, 2022

 God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless. - Chester W. Nimitz

Hindsight is notably cleverer than foresight.- Chester W. Nimitz


Has the reader ever made a horrible mistake and thought there was no way to recover?  Their career and dreams were doomed forever.

Recently, the author heard a story that amazed her.  There was a man that left high school to start his career in the Navy.  He was an outstanding student in mathematics and graduated with distinction from the Naval Academy being 7th in a class of 114 students.  Additionally, he was an excellent athlete and always had a good attitude. 

When he first started his career, he embarked on a journey to the Far East on the USS Ohio.  At that time, it was required by law to accomplish two years of sea duty to become an Ensign.  After accomplishing that, he commanded the USS Panay and then the USS Decatur.  While the Ensign was commanding the USS Decatur in the Philippines, the ship ran aground in a sand bar.  With the assistance of another boat, the USS Decatur was freed from the sand bar.  For the Ensign, he was found guilty of neglect of duty and issued a letter of reprimand.

Most people, would think their career was over after an incident like that.  However, this Ensign did not and returned to work in the Navy working diligently with each duty assignment.  Less than 30 years after that incident and a letter of reprimand forever in his military file, he became a Navy Fleet Admiral and was the United States signer of the surrender terms aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to end World War II. 

Who was this hard-working Naval Officer and Texan?  Chester William Nimitz. 

ACTION: Through difficult times that seem hopeless, always remember that you can recover and make a difference in the world.









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