Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 28th

 Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us. – Richie Norton

No one wins the Super Bowl accidentally. Be intentional, Be Passionate, Don't mail it in! You got this! - Dave Ramsey

 2021 has been a hard year for the author and definitely not what she expected.  Looking back at the year, the author picked the word “intentionality” (January 12, 2021 Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week) and little did she know why that was her word for the year.  Throughout the year, she made choices that caused her to be intentional.  This process caused her to evaluate how she made decisions, how she worked, what was important, etc.  2021 has been about of prioritizing, focusing and being present. 

As the year comes to the end, the author has spent a couple weeks away from the hustle and bustle of life.  During this time, she cleaned out her outstanding tasks and reviewed the year as Christy Wright discussed in her podcast titled “4 Ways to Prepare for 2022”.  Ms. Wright recommends reviewing 2021 as we prepare for 2022 by answering the following questions about 2021:

1. What's Right (This will be expanded in 2022.)

2. What's Wrong

3. What's Missing

4. What Was Confused

For the author, she will use this information to plan her 2022.  

ACTION: Take time to analyze 2021 and start thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2022.



4 Ways to Prepare for 2022 -

What You Shouldn’t Forget About 2021 -

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 14th

 Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general. - Germany Kent


Recently, the author heard the story of Teddy Stoddard and his teacher.  Teddy lost his mother when he was in fourth grade and he withdrew and lost interest in school.  Mrs. Thompson was Teddy’s 5th grade teacher and she paid special attention of Teddy.  When he gave her a poorly wrapped gift, she opened it praising Teddy in front of her 5th grade class.  The gift ended up being a partially used bottle of perfume and a bracelet with missing rhinestones.  Children in class laughed at Teddy’s gift, but the teacher thanked Teddy for it and continued to pay attention to him.  After school that day, Teddy told the teacher that she smelled just like his mother.  This situation touched the teacher’s heart and she continued to encourage Teddy and help him in school.  Her encouragement helped propel Teddy to being one of the smartest kids in 5th grade at the end of the school year.  

After Teddy left 5th grade, he sent letters to Mrs. Thompson many times providing her updates of how he was doing.  He continued to be top in his class and continually thanked Mrs. Thompson for being his best teacher ever.  Teddy ended up becoming a medical doctor and again sent a note of thanks to Mrs. Thompson.  When Teddy got married, he asked Mrs. Thompson to attend and she wore the bracelet with missing rhinestones and wore the perfume Teddy had given her.  At the wedding, Teddy gave Mrs. Thompson a hug and thanked her for making him feel important and showing him that after all his setbacks that he could still make a difference.  Mrs. Thompson wiped the tears from her eyes and told Teddy that he had actually taught her.  She told Teddy that she did not really know how to teach until she taught him.

The holiday season is in full swing.  We are all busy with many things including shopping, traveling, parties, etc.  HOWEVER, we all can take time to be kind to others during this holiday season because we do not know how our kind words will make a difference in someone’s life.    

Be kind in thoughts, words and actions.

ACTION: What can you do today to be kind to someone else who can do nothing for you?



Brilliant Living #21 - What Can You Do to Be Kind? -


Friday, December 3, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 30th


Remember anything you want that's valuable requires you to break through short-term pain in order to gain long-term pleasure. - Tony Robbins

 Man's main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life. - Viktor E. Frankl

It is 32 days until the end of 2021.  What a year it has been for the author.  Stay tuned for updates from her in January.


How has the year been for the reader?  Have all goals been accomplished?  What goals can still be accomplished this year?  The author recently read a devotional that made the statement of long-term gain is achieved by short term pain.  We have 32 days until the end of the year and that is 32 days to catapult the reader into a better position for 2022.  Does the reader need to spend 30 minutes every day reading to complete a couple books?  Does the reader need to write a thank you note, call a friend or write a page in a new book for the next 32 days to finish the year strong?


ACTION: Create a list of things you want to accomplish before the end of the year from your 2021 goals.  Focus on those tasks first thing in the morning to accomplish them allowing the rest of the day to enjoy the holiday season.





Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 23rd

I’m just thankful for everything, all the blessings in my life, trying to stay that way. I think that’s the best way to start your day and finish your day. It keeps everything in perspective. – Tim Tebow

In happy moments, PRAISE GOD. In difficult moments, SEEK GOD. In quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. In painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD. – Rick Warren

Over the last couple of days, the author has been working on various tasks and feeling a little overwhelmed.  To make sure she accomplished all tasks, the author scheduled everything and it was all set.  Yesterday, she received a phone call that something she had planned would not be happening as scheduled.  It upset the author and she was disappointed.  She went to sleep and when she woke up this morning she texted a friend to tell her the situation.  Her friend’s response made the author realize that even though the delay was occurring she still had a lot to be thankful for and should not be upset by this set back.


No matter what our circumstances, we can find a reason to be thankful. – Dr. David Jeremiah


ACTION: Last week, the author challenged readers to find 5 things to be thankful for.  This week, take another evaluation of life to find at least 5 more things to be thankful for.  We should live in a perpetual spirit of thankfulness because we are very blessed in life. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 16th

 It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack. - Germany Kent

If you don't take inventory of your blessings, ingratitude will try to steal them from you. - Matshona Dhliwayo

As the author is writing this blog post, she is sitting in a hotel room in Virginia Beach with the sliding glass door open listening to the ocean waves crashing outside.  With the long weekend, she took the opportunity to get away and readers know she LOVES the beach. 

A little while go the author was writing in her journal that she was going to miss the ocean waves when she leaves and feeling sad.  After thinking about it for a few minutes, the author caught herself to change her perspective.  The author needs to be thankful for the opportunity she has had for a trip to Virginia Beach to visit a friend, enjoy the beauty of the ocean, see historical sites, run on the Virginia Beach boardwalk near the ocean and have her toes in the sand.  It has been a great trip and she needs to remember the great memories she created and not focus on not knowing the next time she will be at the beach.  

As we are in November and this is the time to focus on gratitude and thankfulness, we need to remember the many things we have and be thankful for them and not focus on the negative side of things. 

Take time daily to reflect on how much you have. It may not be all that you want but remember someone somewhere is dreaming to have what you have. - Germany Kent


ACTION: What do you have to be thankful for today?  Write down 5 things.  Once you start, I bet you will be able to find many more things!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 9th

When you become a leader you give up the right to think about yourself. – Gerald Brooks

 The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow. - General Colin Powell

On Monday morning, the author heard a snip-it about John Pershing in a podcast and decided to do additional research.  General John “Black Jack” Pershing is known for commanding the American Expeditionary Force during World War I.  However, Pershing also served in the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippines and the Mexican Intervention. 

Through his military service, he worked his way up the ranks and became an O-1, which is a general officer.  While General Pershing was commanding the 8th Infantry Brigade, he was transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas due to increased tensions in the area.  On August 27, 1915, tragedy struck at the Presidio of San Francisco where Pershing’s family was.  Hot coals spilled from the fireplace onto the waxed floor.  Pershing’s wife and three daughters perished in the fire.  The only survivor was Warren Pershing who was 5 years old at the time.  Shortly after this horrific event, he returned to work and less than 2 years later would lead the American Expeditionary Force in World War I. 

Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller is another great leader and a Marine.  By the time he retired, he had achieved the rank of Lieutenant General.  In The American Story podcast titled “One More for Chesty”, Flannery said his biographer John Hoffman noted of Puller, "What endured him to his fellow marines was his leadership…His marines knew that he would ask no more of them than he was willing to put forth himself and that was everything he had." (6:50)

Both of these men were great leaders that showed dedication and resilience just like the many men and women that have served our great country. 

ACTION:  As we approach Veteran’s Day on Thursday, ponder what our soldiers have done and tell one of them thank you.









Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 2nd

 Knowledge leads to conclusions.  Emotions lead to actions. – Craig Groeschel (


The only way to change someone's mind is to connect with them from the heart. -Rasheed Ogunlaru


Taking time to become self-aware is a very important aspect everyone needs to develop for leadership.  As readers continue to develop their self-awareness, they will be able to start using their understanding of their emotions to influence others.  

John Maxwell states that “Leadership is influence.  Nothing more, nothing less.”  To influence others, the reader has the opportunity to take the passion discovered through self-awareness and use it.   Emotions shown through passions impact people more than statistics or other facts.


The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. - Donald Calne


The author is passionate about many things.  Recently, she was talking with a friend about one of the many adventures she has taken.  Through the conversation, she was able to communicate how important it is to understand cultures, history, etc.  She challenged this individual to take more opportunities to learn about the many historical places on the east coast.  The passion shown by the author influenced her friend to take action and find new opportunities to experience. 

ACTION:  What are you passionate about that you can use to influence someone this week?



















Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 26th

Self-awareness is only powerful when knowledge is understood and applied, only then can it manifest into true wisdom! - Martin R. Lemieux

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad. - Debbie Ford

Now that we have defined self-leadership, understand that people are watching us and defined our self-identity, the next important component is self-awareness.  Self-awareness is the ability to understand our moods, emotions, passions and how they affect others. 

Why is self-awareness important?  With self-awareness, we assess who we are, our strengths, weaknesses and emotional state.  This awareness provides us the opportunity to control ourselves, which leads to self-discipline and self-leadership.

Strong people have a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness; they don’t need the approval of others. - Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Over the last couple of years in different situations, the author’s self-discipline in her emotions has been tested.  As her self-awareness developed, she has grown to better control her emotions.  She is not perfect, but has learned to stop, evaluate each situation in regards to her emotions and proceed knowing that any bias may be based on her emotions. 


ACTION:  Take time this week to evaluate your moods, emotions and passions in situations.  Become more aware of how your emotions affect your self-leadership and leadership.  There is no way to stop emotions, but they can be controlled. 



















Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 12th

True leadership always begins with the inner person. – John Maxwell


Leadership is not a title or position. It’s a mindset. —Craig Groeschel


Self-leadership requires that we know who we are.  According to Merriam-Webster, self-identity is the “quality that makes a person or thing different from others.” 


Leading well without formal authority has less to do with your behavior and far more to do with your identity. - Clay Scroggins, How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority


As the author thought about this, she contemplated how to develop an identity.  By knowing who we are, we stand taller.  We think as a visionary.  We have a stronger passion for what we are doing. 


The author looks at identity to include our values, morals, opinions, work ethic, etc.  How does the reader see themselves?  Until we know who we are, we will not be able to influence anyone else.


ACTION:  Take time this week to ponder your identity.  Is it developed, strong with great character to influence others?  If not, what do you need to change?













